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Salesforce Marketing-Cloud-Advanced-Cross-Channel Test Dumps

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Question # 1

3 possible reasons why a SMS message would fail to reach users mobile? (select 3 options)
A. switched off
B. SMS sent to landline number
C. mobile is in another call
D. out of cellular network coverage
E. Low battery

  SMS sent to landline number

  out of cellular network coverage

  Low battery


Several factors can cause an SMS message to fail in reaching a user's mobile phone. The three possible reasons include:

B. SMS sent to landline number: If an SMS is directed to a landline number, it will fail because landlines do not receive text messages.

D. Out of cellular network coverage: If the recipient's mobile device is out of the range of a cellular network, it won't receive SMS messages until it returns to a covered area.

E. Low battery: If a mobile device's battery is too low or the phone is turned off due to low power, it may not receive SMS messages until it is recharged and turned back on.

Question # 2

What is true about Inbox message:
A. It can open any public url also and not only cloud page
B. Device owns the message not the contact.
C. Contact owns the message not the device.
D. Alert+inbox consume 1 supermessage.

  It can open any public url also and not only cloud page


In Salesforce Marketing Cloud, Inbox messages are versatile in their functionality. They are not limited to opening only Salesforce Cloud Pages but can also open any public URL. This feature extends the capability of marketing messages to integrate more broadly with various online resources, enhancing the interactivity and reach of campaigns directed through the mobile channel.

Question # 3

What is the fastest way to add a classification to a post?
A. Macro
B. Add classification manually to each post.
C. Classification cannot be added to a post



The fastest way to add a classification to a post in Social Studio is by using Macros. Macros allow you to apply preset actions, including classifications, to posts quickly. This method is much more efficient than manually adding classifications to each post individually.

Question # 4

What will you to send a real time email to a customer with a dynamic buy link when available stock goes below 50? Select 2.
A. Journey api
B. Rest api
C. Transactional messaging api.
D. Email soap api

  Rest api

  Transactional messaging api.


To send a real-time email with a dynamic buy link when stock levels drop below 50, the most effective APIs to use are:

B: REST API: This API can be used to integrate real-time triggers from your stock management system to Salesforce Marketing Cloud. It allows you to send realtime communications based on stock changes.

C: Transactional Messaging API: Specifically designed for real-time, triggered messaging, this API is ideal for sending transactional emails that include dynamic content like a buy link based on immediate changes in data, such as inventory levels.

Question # 5

In social studio how many columns are used in a engage tab (max 30 tabs in a engage, no limit for columns in each tab) and each column contains max 50 accounts)
A. 50
B. 100
C. 15
D. No limit

  No limit


In Salesforce's Social Studio, specifically within the Engage tab:

D. No limit: There is no limit to the number of columns that can be used in each Engage tab. This flexibility allows users to tailor their social media monitoring and engagement workspace to their specific needs, accommodating various accounts and types of interactions without a predefined cap on columns.

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SalesforceMarketing Cloud Advanced Cross Channel Exam Dumps

Exam Code: Marketing-Cloud-Advanced-Cross-Channel
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