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Linux Foundation CKAD Test Dumps

Total Questions Answers: 33
Last Updated: 24-Feb-2025
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Question # 1

Which restart policy is the default for Kubernetes Pods?
A. Always
B. Never
C. OnFailure
D. NoRestart


Question # 2

What does Pod Anti-affinity ensure in Kubernetes?
A. Pods are scheduled to nodes with specific resource capacities.
B. Pods are scheduled on nodes with specific labels.
C. Pods are not scheduled on the same node as other pods with certain labels.
D. Pods are always scheduled on the same node as other pods with matching labels.

  Pods are not scheduled on the same node as other pods with certain labels.

Question # 3

Which of the following is required to enable Horizontal Pod Autoscaling (HPA) in Kubernetes?
A. A Kubernetes cluster running at least version 1.12
B. A working metric server for the cluster
C. A manually set resource request for each pod
D. A Service that exposes the deployment

  A working metric server for the cluster

Question # 4

What does Kubernetes use to store and manage sensitive information like passwords and tokens?
A. ConfigMap
B. Secret
C. Volume
D. PodSpec


Question # 5

Which command is used to create a new namespace in Kubernetes?
A. kubectl create namespace
B. kubectl new namespace
C. kubectl add namespace
D. kubectl apply -f .yaml

  kubectl create namespace

Question # 6

What is the purpose of setting a ResourceQuota in Kubernetes?
A. To limit the amount of resources used by specific containers.
B. To limit the number of pods, services, and other resources within a namespace.
C. To restrict the creation of persistent volumes in the cluster.
D. To define the resource requirements of a pod.

  To limit the number of pods, services, and other resources within a namespace.

Question # 7

Which of the following is required to create and apply network policies in Kubernetes?
A. NetworkPolicy resource and a network plugin that supports NetworkPolicy
B. ServiceAccount
C. ConfigMap resource
D. A specific type of pod label

  NetworkPolicy resource and a network plugin that supports NetworkPolicy

Question # 8

What does the Cluster Autoscaler in Kubernetes do?
A. Automatically scales the number of pods in a deployment.
B. Automatically adjusts the number of nodes in a cluster based on resource demand.
C. Automatically scales the number of containers in a pod.
D. Automatically adjusts resource limits for containers.

  Automatically adjusts the number of nodes in a cluster based on resource demand.

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Certified Kubernetes Application Developer (CKAD) Program Exam Dumps

Exam Code: CKAD
Exam Name: Certified Kubernetes Application Developer (CKAD) Program

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Linux Foundation CKAD Test Dumps

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Questions People Ask About CKAD Exam

CKAD certification is designed to validate your skills in designing, building, and deploying cloud-native applications using Kubernetes. It focuses on practical, hands-on tasks and ensures that you can effectively use Kubernetes to manage containerized applications.

Investing in the CKAD certification is worthwhile for professionals aiming to validate and enhance their Kubernetes application development skills, given the sustained industry relevance and the certification's emphasis on practical expertise.