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CKAD Practice Test

Page 1 out of 6 Pages

Which command would you use to scale the number of replicas for a deployment in Kubernetes?

A. kubectl scale deployment --replicas=

B. kubectl scale pod --replicas=

C. kubectl scale --deployment= --count=

D. kubectl scale --replicas= --deployment=

  kubectl scale deployment --replicas=

What happens when a Pod is marked as "Terminating" in Kubernetes?

A. The pod is immediately removed from the node and does not perform any shutdown operations.

B. The pod will attempt to gracefully terminate its containers and stop services before being deleted.

C. The pod is recreated automatically with the same configuration.

D. The pod will be stopped immediately and cannot be restarted.

  The pod will attempt to gracefully terminate its containers and stop services before being deleted.

What is the difference between ConfigMap and Secret in Kubernetes?

A. ConfigMap is used for sensitive data, whereas Secret is for non-sensitive data.

B. ConfigMap stores key-value pairs that can be easily read, while Secret stores encoded key-value pairs for sensitive data.

C. Both store sensitive data, but Secret is encrypted while ConfigMap is not.

D. ConfigMap and Secret serve the same function and can be used interchangeably.

  ConfigMap stores key-value pairs that can be easily read, while Secret stores encoded key-value pairs for sensitive data.

Which deployment strategy in Kubernetes can be used to ensure zero downtime during updates?

A. Rolling Update

B. Blue-Green Deployment

C. Canary Deployment

D. All of the above

  All of the above

What is the primary purpose of namespaces in Kubernetes?

A. To limit access to Kubernetes clusters.

B. To divide cluster resources between multiple users or teams, enabling isolation.

C. To enable horizontal scaling for applications.

D. To manage networking rules and policies across the cluster.

  To divide cluster resources between multiple users or teams, enabling isolation.

Page 1 out of 6 Pages