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Salesforce Advanced-Cross-Channel Test Dumps

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Last Updated: 24-Feb-2025
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Question # 1

What happens when a paused journey is resumed?
A. Wait durations are extended by the length of time the journey was paused
B. Users can choose whether or not to extend Wait durations by the length of time the journey was paused
C. All contacts who were in Wait steps immediately proceed to the next activity
D. Wait durations start over for each contact

  Users can choose whether or not to extend Wait durations by the length of time the journey was paused

Question # 2

What are three Einstein Vision classifiers in Social Studio Analyze?
Choose 3 answers
A. Food
B. Logos
C. Finger prints
D. Facial Expressions
E. Scenes




Question # 3

What is true about Einstein Engagement Scoring (EES)?
A. EES requires Collect Code Tracking forweb conversion predictions
B. EES analyzes all send data from Marketing Cloud
C. EES can import historical purchase data to drive conversion predications
D. EES takes into account custom unsubscribe handling

  EES can import historical purchase data to drive conversion predications

Question # 4

Can Social Studio's Sentiment Model be customized? 01m 05s
A. No, this is a managed service provided by only by Salesforce.
B. Yes, after you have loaded your Twitter certification number.
C. No, the sentiment is driven by Einstein calculations.
D. Yes, customization options are available in Admin

  No, the sentiment is driven by Einstein calculations.

Question # 5

Which two use cases are best suited for the new MC Transactional Messaging API?
A. Flash Sales
B. Order confirmations C.
C. Password Resets
D. Subscription reminders

  Order confirmations C.

  Password Resets

Question # 6

How long does the activation process take for Einstein Engagement Frequency?
A. up to 24 hours
B. up to six hours
C. up to one hour
D. up to 72 hours

  up to 72 hours

Question # 7

What is the difference between an in-app message and an inbox message?
A. An inbox message is plain text, whereas an in-app message can be populated by a CloudPage
B. An inbox message shows only one time to the user, where-as an in-app message keeps getting shown until its expiry date.
C. An inbox message only works on iOS, but in-app messages work on both iOS and Android
D. An inbox message is sent to an inbox that's part of user's mobile app, and stays in the user's inbox for a specified time, whereas an in-app message displays to the user only one time.

  An inbox message is sent to an inbox that's part of user's mobile app, and stays in the user's inbox for a specified time, whereas an in-app message displays to the user only one time.

Question # 8

How does the Wait by Duration activity in Journey Builder work?
A. It is based on the wait period. From the point of contact reaching this activity, the platform will calculate the difference between the current point in time and the end of the wait period
B. It will cause an automation to wait for a specific duration or until a specific time before performing the next step. You can include one or multiple wait activities in a single automation
C. It holds contacts until the day and time you configure. After the wait expires, the contact immediately proceeds to the next activity.
D. It holds contacts until the day and time value stored in a contact's datebased attribute that you select. If the specified day and time passes before the contact reaches the wait activity, or if there's no attribute value for a contact, the contact immediately proceeds to the next activity,

  It holds contacts until the day and time value stored in a contact's datebased attribute that you select. If the specified day and time passes before the contact reaches the wait activity, or if there's no attribute value for a contact, the contact immediately proceeds to the next activity,

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Salesforce Advanced Cross Channel Accredited Professional Exam Exam Dumps

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