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Salesforce Marketing-Cloud-Email-Specialist Test Dumps

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Question # 1

The marketing team at Northern Trail Outfitters is concerned about its email deliverability rates over the last three months.
Which remediation tactic should be used to improve deliverability?
A. Increase the frequency of email sending to boost engagement.
B. Broaden segmentation criteria to reach more diverse audiences.
C. Scale back sending for specific ISPs until the issue subsides.

  Scale back sending for specific ISPs until the issue subsides.

Explanation: Scaling back sending for specific ISPs until the issue subsides can help improve deliverability by avoiding spam complaints and hard bounces. Increasing the frequency of email sending may worsen the deliverability issue by triggering spam filters and irritating subscribers. Broadening segmentation criteria may not help if the content is not relevant or engaging for the audience.

Question # 2

Northern Trail Outfitters allows nonregistered customers to provide to phone number for open orders. The proved contact information is to be deleted after 30 days. Which feature provides a way to automatically maintain a data extension's records?
A. Delete Filter Activity
B. Contact Delete
C. Data Retention Policy

  Data Retention Policy

Explanation: A data retention policy allows you to automatically delete records from a data extension based ona specified time period. This feature can help you maintain a data extension’s records and comply with data privacy regulations

Question # 3

The website team at North Trail Outfitter has noticed performance issues on the site when the marketing team sends promotional emails. What should the marketer do to prevent this problem?
A. Use Delayed Delivery
B. Segment email sends by domain.
C. Configure Send Throttling.

  Configure Send Throttling.

Explanation: Send Throttling is a feature that allows marketers to control the speed and volume of email delivery over a period of time. Send Throttling can help marketers avoid overwhelming their subscribers’ inboxes or their own website servers with too many emails at once. Send Throttling can be configured by specifyingthe number of emails to send per hour or per day.

Question # 4

Northern Trail Outfitters (NTO) wants to simplify a journey that has a decision split prior to every email send to remove certain subscribers from the journey. What should NTO do to simplify the journey?
A. Use the Update Contact a:
B. A Utilize exit criteria for the journey.
C. Ensure the Contact entry mode is No re-entry

  A Utilize exit criteria for the journey.

Explanation: Utilizing exit criteria for the journey is a way to simplify the journey that has a decision split prior to every email send to remove certain subscribers from the journey. Exit criteria can define when contacts should exit the journey based on specific conditions, such as unsubscribing or making a purchase. This will eliminate the need for multiple decision splits on the journey canvas. [Source: Trailhead]

Question # 5

A marketing developer wants to receive daily report of sends across all business units to beincorporated into their internal dashboard. What should be done to ensure the report a sent to the director each day?
A. Schedule report and email file to the director.
B. A Schedule report and email the link to download.
C. Schedule report to export as aweb page.

  Schedule report and email file to the director.

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Salesforce Certified Marketing Cloud Email Specialist (SU24) Exam Dumps

Exam Code: Marketing-Cloud-Email-Specialist
Exam Name: Salesforce Certified Marketing Cloud Email Specialist (SU24)

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Questions People Ask About Marketing-Cloud-Email-Specialist Exam

Salesforce Marketing Cloud Email Specialist certification is designed for individuals who specialize in the strategic implementation of email marketing initiatives using Salesforce Marketing Cloud. This certification validates expertise in email marketing best practices, including the creation, implementation, tracking, and analysis of email campaigns.

Salesforce Marketing Cloud (SFMC) certification is highly valuable. It demonstrates expertise in one of the leading digital marketing platforms, making you a sought-after professional in this domain. Salesforce Marketers certification covers key areas like email marketing, journey automation, and data management, skills in high demand.

Salesforce Marketing Cloud Email Specialist exam costs $200. Additionally, you might incur costs for study materials, Marketing Cloud Email Specialist practice exam, or training courses.

Marketing Cloud Email Specialist is responsible for designing, building, and executing effective email marketing campaigns within the Salesforce Marketing Cloud platform. They leverage tools like Content Builder and Journey Builder to deliver personalized, automated, and engaging email communications to targeted audiences.

Marketing Cloud Email Specialist exam validates a comprehensive set of skills essential for effective email marketing using Salesforce Marketing Cloud. This includes proficiency in creating and implementing email campaigns, list management, segmentation, subscriber and data management, tracking and reporting on email performance, and understanding email content creation and delivery.

Here's a mix of resources to master Content Builder and Journey Builder:

  • Trailhead: Salesforce's official learning platform – start here!
  • MC Documentation: Detailed but essential for deep understanding.
  • Blogs; Forums: Search for tutorials and real-world examples.
  • Udemy etc.: Structured video courses for guided learning.
  • Dumps: Practice Marketing Cloud Email Specialist exam dumps
  • Practice: Build your own small projects for the best way to learn.