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SAP C_THR88_2411 Test Dumps

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Last Updated: 24-Feb-2025
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Question # 1

You want do define the customer tenant ID suffix for connector file names in SuccessFactors Learning. What is the recommended way to do this in System Admin?
A. Choose System Configuration and modify the CONNECTORS configuration file to define the tenant suffix
B. Choose System Configuration and modify the LMS_ADMIN configuration file to define the tenant suffix
C. Choose Connectors and test the FTP Connection for each
D. Choose System Configuration and modify the CONNECTORS configuration file to define each connector file name

  Choose System Configuration and modify the CONNECTORS configuration file to define each connector file name

Question # 2

What needs to be configured to add a successful completion Status reference to SuccessFactors Learning?
A. Credit Given checkbox
B. Assignment Type
C. Item Type
D. Domain

  Credit Given checkbox

  Assignment Type

Question # 3

What is the purpose of the Add Learning History for Multiple Courses tool?
A. Add history records for external events to match approved training plan requests.
B. Add price and account codes for history records.
C. Add history records for registered users in a class.
D. Add history records for one or more users, and for one or more items.
E. Add history records for external events for more than one user.

  Add history records for registered users in a class.

  Add history records for one or more users, and for one or more items.

  Add history records for external events for more than one user.

Question # 4

A customer created a scheduled type program and added an Instructor Led Item. They want to add just the item to the program and have the users select which classes they will take. However, when they tried to save the program, they got the following message:
What would you advise them to do to get their desired outcome?
A. Create a cohort and add the users and classes to the cohort.
B. Create a class for the item and add the class to the program.
C. Create a Curriculum Requirement and add it to the program.
D. Create an open-ended or duration type program and add the item.

  Create a class for the item and add the class to the program.

Question # 5

What are the Connectors provided by SAP SuccessFactors Learning for importing or updating employee data?
A. Competency Connector - SF
B. User Connector - SF
C. User Connector
D. Security Domain Connector
E. User Connector - Federal

  Competency Connector - SF

  User Connector - SF

  User Connector - Federal

Question # 6

What user actions may require the user to complete an approval process?
A. Self-Assigning a Curriculum from the Library
B. Withdrawing from a Class
C. Self-Registering into a Class
D. Recommending an item to a peer
E. Launching an Online Item

  Self-Assigning a Curriculum from the Library

  Withdrawing from a Class

  Self-Registering into a Class

Question # 7

What types of workflows are related to performance management in SuccessFactors Learning (LMS)?
A. Goal Planning
B. Competencies
C. Recruiting Management
D. Social Learning


Question # 8

A user has completed a course and submitted the required paperwork to the HR department in PDF format. How does a Learning Administrator upload the attachment is SuccessFactors Learning so that it is associated with the completed course?
A. Access the Item record and upload the attachment using the Documents tab
B. Access the content menu and upload the attachment using the Documents tab
C. Access the Users menu and upload the attachment using the Learning Event Editor
D. Access the System Admin menu and upload the attachment using the Attachments Utilization tool

   Access the Users menu and upload the attachment using the Learning Event Editor

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SAP Certified Associate - Implementation Consultant - SAP SuccessFactors Learning Exam Dumps

Exam Code: C_THR88_2411
Exam Name: SAP Certified Associate - Implementation Consultant - SAP SuccessFactors Learning

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