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Google Professional-Cloud-Architect Test Dumps

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Last Updated: 17-Feb-2025
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Question # 1

Universal Containers has a requirement that an Opportunity should have a field showing the value of its associated account's billing state. This value should not change after the Opportunity has been created. What is the recommended solution to configure this automation behavior?
A. Formula field
B. Apex
C. Roll-up summary field
D. Workflow


Question # 2

You need to upgrade the EHR connection to comply with their requirements. The new connection design must support business-critical needs and meet the same network and security policy requirements. What should you do?
A. Add a new Dedicated Interconnect connection.
B. Upgrade the bandwidth on the Dedicated Interconnect connection to 100 G.
C. Add three new Cloud VPN connections.
D. Add a new Carrier Peering connection.

  Add a new Dedicated Interconnect connection.

Question # 3

For this question, refer to the EHR Healthcare case study. You need to define the technical architecture for securely deploying workloads to Google Cloud. You also need to ensure that only verified containers are deployed using Google Cloud services. What should you do? (Choose two.)
A. Enable Binary Authorization on GKE, and sign containers as part of a CI/CD pipeline.
B. Configure Jenkins to utilize Kritis to cryptographically sign a container as part of a CI/CD pipeline.
C. Configure Container Registry to only allow trusted service accounts to create and deploy containers from the registry.
D. Configure Container Registry to use vulnerability scanning to confirm that there are no vulnerabilities before deploying the workload.

  Enable Binary Authorization on GKE, and sign containers as part of a CI/CD pipeline.

Question # 4

For this question, refer to the EHR Healthcare case study. You need to define the technical architecture for securely deploying workloads to Google Cloud. You also need to ensure that only verified containers are deployed using Google Cloud services. What should you do? (Choose two.)


Enable Binary Authorization on GKE, and sign containers as part of a CI/CD pipeline.


Configure Jenkins to utilize Kritis to cryptographically sign a container as part of a CI/CD pipeline.


Configure Container Registry to only allow trusted service accounts to create and deploy containers from the registry.


Configure Container Registry to use vulnerability scanning to confirm that there are no vulnerabilities before deploying the workload.


Enable Binary Authorization on GKE, and sign containers as part of a CI/CD pipeline.


Configure Container Registry to use vulnerability scanning to confirm that there are no vulnerabilities before deploying the workload.

Explanation: Binary Authorization to ensure only verified containers are deployed To ensure deployment are secure and and consistent, automatically scan images for vulnerabilities with container analysis (

Question # 5

For this question, refer to the EHR Healthcare case study. You are a developer on the EHR customer portal team. Your team recently migrated the customer portal application to Google Cloud. The load has increased on the application servers, and now the application is logging many timeout errors. You recently incorporated Pub/Sub into the application architecture, and the application is not logging any Pub/Sub publishing errors. You want to
improve publishing latency. What should you do?


Increase the Pub/Sub Total Timeout retry value.


Move from a Pub/Sub subscriber pull model to a push model.


Turn off Pub/Sub message batching.


Create a backup Pub/Sub message queue.


Turn off Pub/Sub message batching.


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