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Google Associate-Cloud-Engineer Test Dumps

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Last Updated: 7-Feb-2025
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Question # 1

You are responsible for a web application on Compute Engine. You want your support team to be notified automatically if users experience high latency for at least 5 minutes. You need a Google-recommended solution with no development cost. What should you do?
A. Create an alert policy to send a notification when the HTTP response latency exceeds the specified threshold.
B. Implement an App Engine service which invokes the Cloud Monitoring API and sends a notification in case of anomalies.
C. Use the Cloud Monitoring dashboard to observe latency and take the necessary actions when the response latency exceeds the specified threshold.
D. Export Cloud Monitoring metrics to BigQuery and use a Looker Studio dashboard to monitor your web applications latency.

  Create an alert policy to send a notification when the HTTP response latency exceeds the specified threshold.

Question # 2

Your team wants to deploy a specific content management system (CMS) solution to Google Cloud. You need a quick and easy way to deploy and install the solution. What should you do?
A. Search for the CMS solution in Google Cloud Marketplace. Use gcloud CLI to deploy the solution.
B. Search for the CMS solution in Google Cloud Marketplace. Deploy the solution directly from Cloud Marketplace.
C. Search for the CMS solution in Google Cloud Marketplace. Use Terraform and the Cloud Marketplace ID to deploy the solution with the appropriate parameters.
D. Use the installation guide of the CMS provider. Perform the installation through your configuration management system.

  Search for the CMS solution in Google Cloud Marketplace. Use Terraform and the Cloud Marketplace ID to deploy the solution with the appropriate parameters.

Question # 3

Your customer has implemented a solution that uses Cloud Spanner and notices some read latency-related performance issues on one table. This table is accessed only by their users using a primary key. The table schema is shown below


Option A


Option B


Option C


Option D


Option D

Question # 4

You deployed a new application inside your Google Kubernetes Engine cluster using the YAML file specified below.

You want to find out why the pod is stuck in pending status. What should you do?


Review details of the myapp-service Service object and check for error messages.


Review details of the myapp-deployment Deployment object and check for error messages.


Review details of myapp-deployment-58ddbbb995-lp86m Pod and check for warning messages.


View logs of the container in myapp-deployment-58ddbbb995-lp86m pod and check for warning


Review details of myapp-deployment-58ddbbb995-lp86m Pod and check for warning messages.

Question # 5

You want to add a new auditor to a Google Cloud Platform project. The auditor should be allowed to read, but
not modify, all project items.
How should you configure the auditor's permissions?


Create a custom role with view-only project permissions. Add the user's account to the custom role.


Create a custom role with view-only service permissions. Add the user's account to the custom role.


Select the built-in IAM project Viewer role. Add the user's account to this role.


Select the built-in IAM service Viewer role. Add the user's account to this role.


Select the built-in IAM project Viewer role. Add the user's account to this role.

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Google Cloud Certified - Associate Cloud Engineer Exam Dumps

Exam Code: Associate-Cloud-Engineer
Exam Name: Google Cloud Certified - Associate Cloud Engineer

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