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Fortinet NSE7_OTS-7.2 Test Dumps

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Last Updated: 24-Feb-2025
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Question # 1

Refer to the exhibit.

In order for a FortiGate device to act as router on a stick, what configuration must an OT network architect implement on FortiGate to achieve inter-VLAN routing?
A. Set a unique forward domain on each interface on the network.
B. Set FortiGate to operate in transparent mode.
C. Set a software switch on FortiGate to handle inter-VLAN traffic.
D. Set a FortiGate interface with the switch to operate as an 802.1 q trunk.

  Set a FortiGate interface with the switch to operate as an 802.1 q trunk.

Question # 2

Refer to the exhibit.

The IPS profile is added on all of the security policies on FortiGate. For an OT network, which statement of the IPS profile is true?
A. FortiGate has no IPS industrial signature database enabled.
B. The listed IPS signatures are classified as SCADAapphcat nns
C. All IPS signatures are overridden and must block traffic match signature patterns.
D. The IPS profile inspects only traffic originating from SCADA equipment.

  The listed IPS signatures are classified as SCADAapphcat nns

Question # 3

Refer to the exhibit.

Which statement about the interfaces shown in the exhibit is true?
A. port2, port2-vlan10, and port2-vlan1 are part of the software switch interface.
B. The VLAN ID of port1-vlan1 can be changed to the VLAN ID 10.
C. port1-vlan10 and port2-vlan10 are part of the same broadcast domain
D. port1, port1-vlan10, and port1-vlan1 are in different broadcast domains

  port1, port1-vlan10, and port1-vlan1 are in different broadcast domains

Question # 4

Refer to the exhibit.

You are assigned to implement a remote authentication server in the OT network.
Which part of the hierarchy should the authentication server be part of?
A. Edge
B. Cloud
C. Core
D. Access


Question # 5

Refer to the exhibit.

Given the configurations on the FortiGate, which statement is true?
A. FortiGate is configured with forward-domains to reduce unnecessary traffic.
B. FortiGate is configured with forward-domains to forward only domain controller traffic.
C. FortiGate is configured with forward-domains to forward only company domain website traffic.
D. FortiGate is configured with forward-domains to filter and drop non-domain controller traffic.

  FortiGate is configured with forward-domains to reduce unnecessary traffic.

Question # 6

Refer to the exhibits.

Which statement is true about the traffic passing through to PLC-2?
A. IPS must be enabled to inspect application signatures.
B. The application filter overrides the default action of some IEC 104 signatures.
C. IEC 104 signatures are all allowed except the C.BO.NA 1 signature.
D. SSL Inspection must be set to deep-inspection to correctly apply application control.

  The application filter overrides the default action of some IEC 104 signatures.

Question # 7

Refer to the exhibit.

Which statement is true about application control inspection?
A. The industrial application control inspection process is unique among application categories.
B. Security actions cannot be applied on the lowest level of the hierarchy.
C. You can control security actions only on the parent-level application signature
D. The parent signature takes precedence over the child application signature.

  You can control security actions only on the parent-level application signature

Question # 8

Refer to the exhibit.
A. In the PCI logging dashboard and there are one or more high-severity security incidents for the FortiGate device.
B. In the summary dashboard and there are one or more high-severity security incidents for the FortiGate device.
C. In the widget dashboard and there are one or more high-severity incidents for the FortiGate device.
D. In the business service dashboard and there are one or more high-severity security incidents for the FortiGate device.

  In the summary dashboard and there are one or more high-severity security incidents for the FortiGate device.

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Fortinet NSE 7 - OT Security 7.2 Exam Dumps

Exam Code: NSE7_OTS-7.2
Exam Name: Fortinet NSE 7 - OT Security 7.2

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