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Salesforce Experience-Cloud-Consultant Test Dumps

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Question # 1

Bloomington Caregivers (BC) wants to streamline back-end processes and workflows for its employees. BC recently learned about lightning Bolt solutions for employees at a world tour event. Where should BC look for potential Lightning Bolt solutions?
A. Salesforce AppExchange
B. Salesforce Accelerator Directory
C. Salesforce Accelerator Catalog
D. Salesforce Connect

  Salesforce AppExchange

Explanation: Salesforce AppExchange is a marketplace where customers can find and install pre-built solutions for various industries and use cases. Lightning Bolt solutions are industry-specific templates that include themes, components, pages, and business logic. They are built by Salesforce partners and can be customized to fit specific needs3

Question # 2

The Experience Cloud site manager of Cloud Kicks has enabled reputation for its community members, Asper the recommendation given by the Experience Cloud consultant, a decision was made to use the out of the box features. Which two things happen automatically when the site manager enables automation? Choose 2 answers
A. Customer portal members gain the ability to provide badges to other members
B. Inactive and active members are assigned default reputation points
C. Chatter influence is removed from the Contribution section on the Profile page
D. Default point system and set of reputation levels become available

  Inactive and active members are assigned default reputation points

  Default point system and set of reputation levels become available

Explanation: Reputation is a feature that allows you to reward community members for their contributions and engagement. When you enable reputation for your community, some things happen automatically, such as:

Inactive and active members are assigned default reputation points. Inactive members get zero points, while active members get 10 points.

Default point system and set of reputation levels become available. You can use the default point system or customize it to suit your needs. You can also use the default reputation levels or create your own.

Question # 3

Dreamscape Flowers (DF) has a community for its flower growers. DF now wants to create communities for its franchisee network as well as direct B2C customers as part of a company-wide digital transformation. Other subsidiaries of DF are also undergoing digital transformation and are interested in setting up similar communities based on DF's approach. In what two ways can Lightning Bolt help DF accomplish this? Choose 2 answers
A. Lightning Bolts can be distributed and reused.
B. Lightning Bolts can help reduce implementation time.
C. Lightning Bolts can help minimize licensing and provisioning cost.
D. Lightning Bolts can help organize, manage, and reuse digital content

  Lightning Bolts can be distributed and reused.

  Lightning Bolts can help reduce implementation time.

Explanation: Two ways that Lightning Bolt can help DF accomplish this are A and B. Lightning Bolt is a framework that allows you to create and distribute industry-specific solutions that include prebuilt themes, templates, pages, components, and business logic. By using Lightning Bolt, DF can create a solution for its flower business that includes all the features and functionality they need for their communities. They can then distribute and reuse this solution for their subsidiaries or other customers who want to set up similar communities. This can help reduce implementation time and ensure consistency and quality across different communities.

Question # 4

Universal Containers (UC) wants to build a product registration site to allow guest users to register a product. The functionality will involve a multi-step flow. How should UC enable the guest user to run the flow?
A. Assign a single screen to multi-step flow and give the guest user access via page layout.
B. Save the flow with the "System Context Without Sharing—Access All Data” option.
C. Set the “Enable Lightning Flows for Guest User” toggle option to ON in Setup
D. Convert multi-step flow into individual flows and give the guest user access to each flow separately.

  Set the “Enable Lightning Flows for Guest User” toggle option to ON in Setup

Explanation: To enable the guest user to run the flow, UC should set the “Enable Lightning Flows for Guest User” toggle option to ON in Setup. A flow is a tool that allows you to automate business processes by guiding users through screens and performing actions based on their inputs. A guest user is a user who accesses your Experience Cloud site without logging in or registering. To allow guest users to run flows on your site, you need to enable the “Enable Lightning Flows for Guest User” option in Setup, which gives guest users access to run flows that are embedded in Lightning pages or Visualforce pages.

Question # 5

No More Homelessness (NMH) recently launched a public site. The Support team has received feedback that someof the articles aren't showing up in the search results for unauthenticated or guest users. How can NMH ensure that articles are shared with all guest users?
A. Select "Visible in Public Knowledge Base" at the article level.
B. Create a custom permission set for Public access.
C. Select "Public" organization-wide default for the article type at the org level.
D. Create a custom profile for Public access.

  Select "Visible in Public Knowledge Base" at the article level.

Explanation: To dynamically populate the site with blog posts as new ones are added, CK shoulduse a Grid component with CMS Collections. A Grid component is a component that displays content in a grid layout with rows and columns. A CMS Collection is a collection of content items that are created and managed in Salesforce CMS. CK can use a Grid component and select a CMS Collection as the content source. This will allow CK to showcase blog posts written by AW Computing thought leaders on its site and automatically update them as new ones are added.

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Salesforce Certified Experience Cloud Consultant (SU24) Exam Dumps

Exam Code: Experience-Cloud-Consultant
Exam Name: Salesforce Certified Experience Cloud Consultant (SU24)

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