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Salesforce B2C-Commerce-Architect Test Dumps

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Question # 1

An integration cartridge implements communication between the B2CCommerce Storefront and a third-party service provider. The cartridge contains the localServiceRegistry code:

How does this code sample accomplish authentication to the service provider?

A. By Issuing a Basic Auth request to the service provider.
B. By performing a signed SOAP Auth request using a certificate.
C. By wrapping the authentication service call with Basic Auth.
D. By disabling Basic Auth and executing the service authentication call.

  By disabling Basic Auth and executing the service authentication call.

Question # 2

A business wants to migrate its customerservice provider from provider A to providerB. Provider e offers a LINK cartridge to integrate with its commerce solution.

Which three artifacts need to be created by the Architect? Choose 3 answers
A. Document the design of implementing a new B2C Commerce cartridge following the Industry standardbest practices
B. Document the data objects, the interface, and data synchronization frequency between the systems.
C. Document the data mapping between commerce and customer service provider.
D. Document the customizations required on top of the LINK cartridge based on current commerce implementation and business needs.
E. Document how the customer online journey flown from landing on the page to placing of the order

  Document the data objects, the interface, and data synchronization frequency between the systems.

  Document the data mapping between commerce and customer service provider.

  Document the customizations required on top of the LINK cartridge based on current commerce implementation and business needs.

Question # 3

The Client plans to deploy a new payment provider and Order Management System on its existing B2C Commerce website. They have askedan Architect to advise which environment it should use to conduct load testing of its new integrations.

Which environment should be used as the ideal environment for this kind of load test?
A. The Development Instance of a rental Realm.
B. The DevelopmentInstance of the existing Realm.
C. The Production instance of the existing Realm.
D. The Production Instance of a rental Realm.

  The Production Instance of a rental Realm.

Question # 4

A company manages its regional operations asseparate businesses. The regional sites (Site A and Site B) operate with:

• Separate realms
• Deferent code bates
• Different category navigation menus
• Frequent updates on category structure

The requirement from the business is to provide hreflanglink tags on category pages pointing to the same category on the other regional site. Example MTML for one of these links as displayed on Site A is:

Which solution should the Architect choose while keeping performance in mind?
A. Create a new customattribute on the Category. Populate the attribute with the other entire site URLs corresponding to locales In JSON Format. Use the attribute to display the hreflang link tag.
B. Create a new custom object type Populate the hreflang mapping for each category and locale in this custom object. Use the custom object to display the hreflang link tag.
C. Create additional locales in al realms create a new custom attribute on the category that is localized. Populate the attribute with the other site URLs and use it todisplay the hreflang tag.
D. Create a custom Business Manager module. Ask the business to maintain the hreflang link tags for each regional site in this Business Manager module.

  Create a new customattribute on the Category. Populate the attribute with the other entire site URLs corresponding to locales In JSON Format. Use the attribute to display the hreflang link tag.

Question # 5

The Architect has been presented with a requirement from thebusiness to implement a new LINK cartridge. The current site is built on the Storefront Reference Architecture, and the LINK cartridge is certified for Pipelines and Controllers. On review, the Architect notes that the Jobs are all created in Pipelines.
How should the Architect implement that cartridge to make sure the required jobs runs property?
A. The Job Pipelines must be updated to use SiteGenesis Controllers.
B. The job Pipelines must be removed and recreated with scripts.
C. The job Pipelines must beupdated to useSFRA Controllers.
D. The job Pipelines must be updated to work as custom job steps.

  The job Pipelines must be updated to work as custom job steps.

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Salesforce Certified B2C Commerce Architect (WI25) Exam Dumps

Exam Code: B2C-Commerce-Architect
Exam Name: Salesforce Certified B2C Commerce Architect (WI25)

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