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Fortinet NSE6_FSR-7.3 Test Dumps

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Last Updated: 17-Feb-2025
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Question # 1

When troubleshooting an IKEv2 VPN that fails during phase 2 negotiation, what is the most likely cause?
A. Incorrect PSK on phase 1
B. Mismatched ESP proposals
C. Unsupported DH group
D. IKEv2 is not enabled on the remote peer

  Mismatched ESP proposals

Question # 2

Which two statements about appliance users are true? (Choose two.)
A. Appliance users do not have a login ID and do not add to the license count.
B. Appliance users represent non-human users.
C. Appliance users use two-factor authentication for messages sent to the API.
D. Appliance users use time-expiring tokens for primary authentication.

  Appliance users do not have a login ID and do not add to the license count.

  Appliance users represent non-human users.

Explanation: In FortiSOAR, appliance users are accounts that represent non-human entities, such as system processes or integrations. These users do not require login IDs and therefore do not contribute to the licensing user count. Appliance users are configured for backend tasks or to interact with external systems, enabling automated processes without consuming standard user licenses. This approach optimizes system resources and keeps licensing costs manageable.

Question # 3

Which SMS vendor does FortiSOAR support for two-factor authentication?
A. Twilio
B. Google Authenticator
C. 2factor
D. Telesign


Explanation: For two-factor authentication (2FA) via SMS, FortiSOAR supports integration with Telesign. This vendor provides SMS-based 2FA services, enabling FortiSOAR to leverage Telesign's API for sending verification codes as part of its security features. Telesign's service is compatible with FortiSOAR, ensuring secure user authentication when accessing the platform or certain features.

Question # 4

Which two statements about upgrading a FortiSOAR HA cluster are true? (Choose two.)
A. Nodes can be upgraded while the primary node or secondary node are in the HA cluster.
B. Upgrading a FortiSOAR HA cluster requires no downtime.
C. The upgrade procedure for an active-active cluster and an active-passive cluster are the same.
D. It is recommended that the passive secondary node be upgraded first, and then the active primary node.

  The upgrade procedure for an active-active cluster and an active-passive cluster are the same.

  It is recommended that the passive secondary node be upgraded first, and then the active primary node.

Question # 5

When configuring the system proxy on FortiSOAR. which two URLs should be accessible from the proxy server? (Choose two.)
A. https://fortiguard.coin
B. https: //licensing, fortinet .net
C. https://iepo.fortisoar.fcrtinet.ccm



Question # 6

Which two statements about Elasticsearch are true? (Choose two.)
A. Elasticsearch allows you to store, search, and analyze huge volumes of data quickly. In near real time, and return answers in milliseconds
B. To change the location of your Elasticsearch instance from the local instance to a remote location, you must update the falcon. conf file.
C. The minimum version of the Elasticsearch cluster must be 6.0.2. if you want to externalize the Elasticsearch data.
D. The global search mechanism in FortiSOAR leverages an Elasticsearch database to achieve rapid, efficient searches across the entire record system.

  Elasticsearch allows you to store, search, and analyze huge volumes of data quickly. In near real time, and return answers in milliseconds

  The global search mechanism in FortiSOAR leverages an Elasticsearch database to achieve rapid, efficient searches across the entire record system.

Question # 7

For which two modules on FortiSOAR can you create SLA templates7 (Choose two.)
A. Alerts
B. Indicators
C. Incidents
D. Tasks



Question # 8

What are two features of the FortiSOAR perpetual trial license? (Choose two)
A. It is a multi-tenant type license.
B. It provides access to FortiSOAR for a limited amount of time per day.
C. It has restrictions on the number of users.
D. It has restrictions on the number of actions that can be performed.

  It has restrictions on the number of users.

  It has restrictions on the number of actions that can be performed.

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Fortinet NSE 6 - FortiSOAR 7.3 Administrator Exam Dumps

Exam Code: NSE6_FSR-7.3
Exam Name: Fortinet NSE 6 - FortiSOAR 7.3 Administrator

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