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Question # 1

You finished registering a FortiGate device. After traffic starts to flow through FortiGate. you notice that only some of the logs expected are being received on FortiAnalyzer. What could be the reason for the logs not arriving on FortiAnalyzer?

A. FortiGate does not have logging configured correctly.
B. This FortiGate model is not fully supported.
C. This FortiGate is part of an HA cluster but it is the secondary device.
D. FortiGate was added to the wrong ADOM type.

  FortiGate does not have logging configured correctly.


When only some of the expected logs from a FortiGate device are being received on FortiAnalyzer, it often indicates a configuration issue on the FortiGate side. Proper logging configuration on FortiGate involves specifying what types of logs to generate (e.g., traffic, event, security logs) and ensuring that these logs are directed to the FortiAnalyzer unit for storage and analysis. If the logging settings on FortiGate are not correctly configured, it could result in incomplete log data being sent to FortiAnalyzer. This might include missing logs for certain types of traffic or events that are not enabled for logging on the FortiGate device. Ensuring comprehensive logging is enabled and correctly directed to FortiAnalyzer is crucial for full visibility into network activities and for the effective analysis and reporting of security incidents and network performance.

Question # 2

A rogue administrator was accessing FortiAnalyzer without permission. Where can you view the activities that the rogue administrator performed on FortiAnalyzer?
A. FortiView
B. Fabric View
C. Log View
D. System Settings



To monitor the activities performed by any administrator, including a rogue one, on the FortiAnalyzer, you should use the FortiView feature. FortiView provides a comprehensive overview of the activities and events happening within the FortiAnalyzer environment, including administrator actions, making it the appropriate tool for tracking unauthorized or suspicious activities.


FortiAnalyzer 7.4.1 Administration Guide, "System Settings > Fabric Management" section.

Question # 3

Which FortiAnalyzer command erases all device settings, images, databases, and logs on disk, but preserves The network configuration?
A. executefactory-reset
B. executeformat disk
C. executeformatlogdisk
D. executereset all-except—ip



The FortiAnalyzer commandexecute factory-resetis used to erase all device settings, images, databases, and logs on disk but preserves the current IP address and route information. This command effectively resets the FortiAnalyzer to its factory settings while maintaining its network configuration, allowing it to be quickly reconfigured with the same network settings.


FortiAnalyzer 7.4.1 Administration Guide, "Reset Commands" section.

Question # 4

What areanalytics logs on FortiAnalyzer?
A. Logs that are compressed and saved to a log file
B. Logs that roll over when the log file reaches a specific size
C. Logs thatare indexed and stored in the SQL
D. Logs classified as type Traffic, or type Security

  Logs thatare indexed and stored in the SQL


On FortiAnalyzer, analytics logs refer to the logs that have been processed, indexed, and then stored in the SQL database. This process allows for efficient data retrieval and analytics. Unlike basic log storage, which might involve simple compression and storage in a file system, analytics logs in FortiAnalyzer undergo an indexing process. This enables advanced features such as quick search, report generation, and detailed analysis, making it easier for administrators to gain insights into network activities and security incidents.


FortiAnalyzer 7.2 Administrator Guide - "Log Management" and "Data Analytics" sections.

Question # 5

Which two statements about FortiAnalyzer operating modes are true? (Choose two.)
A. When in collector mode. FortiAnalyzer offloads the log receiving task to the analyzer.
B. Analyzer mode is the default operating mode.
C. For the collector, you should allocate most of the disk space to analytics logs.
D. When in analyzer mode. FortiAnalyzer supports event management and reporting features.

  Analyzer mode is the default operating mode.

  When in analyzer mode. FortiAnalyzer supports event management and reporting features.


The default operating mode for FortiAnalyzer is analyzer mode. In this mode, FortiAnalyzer provides full functionality for event management and reporting features. This mode is intended for environments where comprehensive analysis and reporting are required. It allows FortiAnalyzer to collect, analyze, and store logs, as well as generate reports and manage events.


FortiAnalyzer 7.4.1 Administration Guide, "Operating modes" section.

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Fortinet NSE 6 - FortiAnalyzer 7.2 Administrator Exam Dumps

Exam Code: NSE6_FAZ-7.2
Exam Name: Fortinet NSE 6 - FortiAnalyzer 7.2 Administrator

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