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Question # 1

Which ITSI components are required before a module can be created?
A. One or more entity import saved searches.
B. One or more services with KPIs and their associated base searches.
C. One or more datamodels.
D. One or more correlation searches and their associated entities.

  One or more datamodels.

Explanation: Before a module can be created in Splunk IT Service Intelligence (ITSI), it is essential to have one or more datamodels established. Datamodels in Splunk provide a structured format for organizing and interpreting data, which is crucial for modules within ITSI. Modules often rely on datamodels to extract, transform, and present data in a meaningful way, especially when dealing with complex datasets across various sources. Datamodels serve as the foundation for the module's ability to categorize and analyze data efficiently, enabling the creation of KPIs, services, and visualizations that are aligned with the specific needs of the module. Having these datamodels in place ensures that the module can function correctly and provide valuable insights into the monitored IT environments.

Question # 2

Which of the following is the best use case for configuring a Multi-KPI Alert?
A. Comparing content between two notable events.
B. Using machine learning to evaluate when data falls outside of an expected pattern.
C. Comparing anomaly detection between two KPIs.
D. Raising an alert when one or more KPIs indicate an outage is occurring.

  Raising an alert when one or more KPIs indicate an outage is occurring.

A multi-KPI alert is a type of correlation search that is based on defined trigger conditions for two or more KPIs. When trigger conditions occur simultaneously for each KPI, the search generates a notable event. For example, you might create a multi-KPI alert based on twocommon KPIs: CPU load percent and web requests. A sudden simultaneous spike in both CPU load percent and web request KPIs might indicate a DDOS (Distributed Denial of Service) attack. Multi-KPI alerts can bring such trending behaviors to your attention early, so that you can take action to minimize any impact on performance. Multi-KPI alerts are useful for correlating the status of multiple KPIs across multiple services. They help you identify causal relationships, investigate root cause, and provide insights into behaviors across your infrastructure. The best use case for configuring a multi-KPI alert is to raise an alert when one or more KPIs indicate an outage is occurring, such as when the service health score drops below a certain threshold or when multiple KPIs have critical severity levels.

Question # 3

Which of the following best describes a default deep dive?
A. It initially shows the health scores for all services.
B. It initially shows the highest importance KPIs.
C. It initially shows all of the KPIs for a selected service.
D. It initially shows all the entity swim lanes.

  It initially shows all of the KPIs for a selected service.

C is the correct answer because a default deep dive initially shows all of the KPIs for a selected service. You can create a default deep dive by drilling down from another dashboard or by selecting a service from the deep dive lister page. A default deep dive does not show health scores, importance scores, or entity swim lanes by default.

Question # 4

In Episode Review, what is the result of clicking an episode’s Acknowledge button?
A. Assign the current user as owner.
B. Change status from New to Acknowledged.
C. Change status from New to In Progress and assign the current user as owner.
D. Change status from New to Acknowledged and assign the current user as owner.

  Change status from New to Acknowledged and assign the current user as owner.

An episode represents a disruption of service operation causing impact to business operations. It is a deduplicated group of notable events occurring as part of a larger sequence, or an incident or period considered in isolation. In Episode Review, you can manage the episodes and their statuses using various actions. One of the actions is Acknowledge, which changes the status of an episode from New to Acknowledged and assigns the current user as the owner. This action indicates that someone is working on resolving the episode and prevents duplicate efforts from other users.

Question # 5

Which of the following is a best practice when configuring maintenance windows?
A. Disable any glass tables that reference a KPI that is part of an open maintenance window.
B. Develop a strategy for configuring a service’s notable event generation when the service’s maintenance window is open.
C. Give the maintenance window a buffer, for example, 15 minutes before and after actual maintenance work.
D. Change the color of services and entities that are part of an open maintenance window in the service analyzer.

  Give the maintenance window a buffer, for example, 15 minutes before and after actual maintenance work.

It's a best practice to schedule maintenance windows with a 15- to 30-minute time buffer before and after you start and stop your maintenance work.
A maintenance window is a period of time when a service or entity is undergoing maintenance operations or does not require active monitoring. It is a best practice to schedule maintenance windows with a 15- to 30-minute time buffer before and after you start and stop your maintenance work. This gives the system an opportunity to catch up with the maintenance state and reduces the chances of ITSI generating false positives during maintenance operations. For example, if a server will be shut down for maintenance at 1:00PM and restarted at 5:00PM, the ideal maintenance window is 12:30PM to 5:30PM. The 15- to 30-minute time buffer is a rough estimate based on 15 minutes being the time period over which most KPIs are configured to search data and identify alert triggers.

Question # 6

Which of the following items describe ITSI teams? (select all that apply)
A. Teams should have itoa admin roles added with read-only permissions for services and entities.
B. Services should be assigned to the 'global' team if all users need access to it.
C. By default, all services are owned by the built-in 'global' team and administered by the 'itoa_admin' role.
D. A new team admin role should be created for each team. The new role should inherit the 'itoa_team_admin' role.

  Services should be assigned to the 'global' team if all users need access to it.

  By default, all services are owned by the built-in 'global' team and administered by the 'itoa_admin' role.

  A new team admin role should be created for each team. The new role should inherit the 'itoa_team_admin' role.

Explanation: In Splunk IT Service Intelligence (ITSI), teams are used to organize services, KPIs, and other objects within ITSI to facilitate access control and management:
B.Services should be assigned to the 'global' team if all users need access to it: The 'global' team in ITSI is a built-in concept that denotes universal accessibility. Assigning services to the 'global' team makes them accessible to all ITSI users, irrespective of their specific team memberships. This is useful for services that are relevant across the entire organization.
C. By default, all services are owned by the built-in 'global' team and administered by the 'itoa_admin' role:This default setting ensures that upon creation, services are accessible to administrators and can be further re-assigned or refined for access by specific teams as needed.
D. A new team admin role should be created for each team. The new role should inherit the 'itoa_team_admin' role:This best practice allows for granular access control and management within teams. Each team can have its own administrators with the appropriate level of access and permissions tailored to the needs of that team, derived from the capabilities of the 'itoa_team_admin' role.
The concept of adding 'itoa admin roles' with read-only permissions contradicts the typical use case for administrative roles, which usually require more than read-only access to manage services and entities effectively.

Question # 7

Which index contains ITSI Episodes?
A. itsi_tracked_alerts
B. itsi_grouped_alerts
C. itsi_notable_archive
D. itsi_summary


B is the correct answer because ITSI episodes are stored in the itsi_grouped_alerts index. This index contains notable events that have been grouped together based on predefined aggregation policies. Episodes help you reduce alert noise and focus on resolving incidents faster.

Question # 8

Which index is used to store KPI values?
A. itsi_summary_metrics
B. itsi_metrics
C. itsi_service_health
D. itsi_summary


A is the correct answer because the itsi_summary_metrics index is used to store KPI values in ITSI. This index improves the performance of the searches dispatched by ITSI, particularly for very large environments. Every KPI is summarized in both the itsi_summary events index and the itsi_summary_metrics metrics index.

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Splunk IT Service Intelligence Certified Admin Exam Exam Dumps

Exam Code: SPLK-3002
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