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Splunk SPLK-2001 Test Dumps

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Last Updated: 24-Feb-2025
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Question # 1

Data can be added to a KV store collection in which of the following format(s)?


Explanation: The correct answer is A, because data can be added to a KV Store collection only in JSON format. KV Store is a feature that allows Splunk to store and manage data in collections of key-value pairs. A KV Store collection is a logical grouping of key-value pairs that can be accessed and manipulated by Splunk apps. Data can be added to a KV Store collection either by using the Splunk Web interface, the Splunk REST API, or the Splunk SDKs. In all cases, the data must be formatted as JSON objects, which are collections of name-value pairs enclosed in curly braces1. The other formats, such as XML, CSV, and TXT, are not supported by KV Store.

Question # 2

Given a dashboard with a Simple XML extension in myApp, what is the XML reference for the file myJS.js located in myOtherApp in the location shown below?
<dashboard script=“myJs.js”>
<dashboard script=“myOtherApp/myJS.js”>
<dashboard script=“myOtherApp:javascript/myJS.js”>
D. <dashboard script=“myOtherApp:appserver/static/javascript/myJS.js”>

<dashboard script=“myOtherApp:javascript/myJS.js”>

Explanation: The correct answer is C, because the XML reference for the file myJS.js located in myOtherApp is . The script attribute specifies the path to the JavaScript file that contains the custom logic for the dashboard. The path must start with the app name, followed by a colon, and then the relative path to the file within the appserver/static folder of the app. The other options are incorrect because they either omit the app name, the colon, or the javascript subfolder.

Question # 3

Which of the following is an intended use of HTTP Event Collector tokens?
A. A cookie.
B. An HTTP header field.
C. A JSON field in the HTTP request.
D. A password in conjunction with login.

  An HTTP header field.

Explanation: The correct answer is B, because an HTTP header field is an intended use of HTTP Event Collector tokens. An HTTP Event Collector token is a unique identifier that is used to authenticate and authorize data sent to Splunk via the HTTP Event Collector (HEC). An HEC token can be specified in the Authorization header field of the HTTP request, using the format Authorization: Splunk 2. The other options are incorrect because they are not valid ways to use an HEC token. A cookie is a small piece of data stored by the web browser, not by Splunk. A JSON field in the HTTP request is used to specify the event data or metadata, not the HEC token. A password in conjunction with login is not related to HEC, but to Splunk Web or REST API authentication.

Question # 4

Which of the following will unset a token named my_token?
<unset token="“my_token”"></unset>
<set token=“my_token”>false</token>
D. <set token=“my_token”>disabled</set>

<unset token="“my_token”"></unset>

Explanation: The correct answer is B, because the element will unset a token named my_token. The element is used to remove the value of a token based on a user interaction, such as a click or a change. The token attribute specifies the name of the token to be unset. The other options are incorrect because they will not unset a token named my_token. The mytoken element is invalid, because the token name should not be enclosed in dollar signs. The false and disabled elements will not unset the token, but set its value to false or disabled, respectively.

Question # 5

Which items below are configured in inputs.conf? (Select all that apply.)
A. A modular input written in Python.
B. A file input monitoring a JSON file.
C. A custom search command written in Python.
D. An HTTP Event Collector as receiver of data from an app.

  A modular input written in Python.

  A file input monitoring a JSON file.

  An HTTP Event Collector as receiver of data from an app.

Explanation: The correct answer is A, B, and D, because they are all items that can be configured in inputs.conf. Inputs.conf is a configuration file that defines how Splunk ingests data from various sources, such as files, directories, network ports, scripts, or modular inputs. A modular input written in Python is a type of input that allows Splunk to ingest data from a custom source using a Python script. A file input monitoring a JSON file is a type of input that allows Splunk to monitor a file or directory for new or updated data in JSON format. An HTTP Event Collector as receiver of data from an app is a type of input that allows Splunk to receive data from an app via HTTP or HTTPS requests. A custom search command written in Python is not an item that can be configured in inputs.conf, but in commands.conf.

Question # 6

To delete the record with a _key value of smith from the sales collection, a DELETE request should be sent to which REST endpoint?
A. /storage/collections/sales/smith
B. /storage/kvstore/data/sales/smith
C. /storage/collections/data/sales/smith
D. /storage/kvstore/collections/sales/smith


Explanation: The correct answer is C, because /storage/collections/data/sales/smith is the REST endpoint to delete the record with a _key value of smith from the sales collection. The /storage/collections/data endpoint is used to access the KV Store data collections. The sales collection is the name of the collection, and smith is the _key value of the record to be deleted.

Question # 7

Which of the following are valid parent elements for the event action shown below? (Select all that apply.)
<set token="“Token" name”="">sourcetype=$click.value|s$</set>




Explanation: The correct answer is B, C, and D, because they are all valid parent elements for the event action shown below. The event action is a element, which is used to set the value of a token based on a user interaction, such as a click or a change. The element can be nested inside a , a , or a element, depending on the type and context of the event. The element is not a valid parent element for the element, but a sibling element that can be used to evaluate an expression and set the value of a token.

Question # 8

Which of the following describes a Splunk custom visualization?
A. A visualization with custom colors.
B. Any visualization available in Splunk.
C. A visualization in Splunk modified by the user.
D. A visualization that uses the Splunk Custom Visualization API.

  A visualization that uses the Splunk Custom Visualization API.

Explanation: A Splunk custom visualization is a visualization that uses the Splunk Custom Visualization API. This API lets you create your own visualizations using JavaScript, HTML, and CSS. You can also use third-party libraries or frameworks to create custom visualizations. The other options are not custom visualizations, but rather variations of the built-in visualizations in Splunk. For more information, see [Custom visualizations overview].

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Splunk Certified Developer Exam Exam Dumps

Exam Code: SPLK-2001
Exam Name: Splunk Certified Developer Exam

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