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SPLK-2001 Practice Test

Page 3 out of 14 Pages

Which of the following are reserved field names in a KV Store? (Select all that apply.)

A. _key

B. _time

C. _user

D. _source



Explanation: The reserved field names in a KV Store are _key and _user. The _key field is a unique identifier for each record in a KV Store collection, and the _user field is the owner of the record. The other fields are not reserved, and can be used as custom fields in a KV Store collection.

Which event handler uses the element to support pan and zoom functionality?

A. Visualization event handler

B. Form input event handler

C. Condition event handler

D. Search event handler

  Visualization event handler

Explanation: The correct answer is A, because visualization event handler uses the element to support pan and zoom functionality. Visualization event handler is a type of event handler that enables you to interact with custom visualizations3. The element defines the behavior of the visualization when the user selects a region of the chart. It supports attributes such as pan and zoom4.

Which files within an app contain permissions information? (Select all that apply.)

A. local/metadata.conf

B. metadata/local.meta

C. default/metadata.conf

D. metadata/default.meta



Explanation: The correct answer is B and D, because they are the files within an app that contain permissions information. Permissions information refers to the access control settings for the app, such as who can read and write to the app, and whether the app is visible to all users or only to the app owner. The files that contain permissions information are the metadata/local.meta and metadata/default.meta files, which are located in the metadata folder of the app. The local/metadata.conf and default/metadata.conf files do not exist, and are not valid configuration files for an app.

Which of the following is an example of a valid syntax for specifying an absolute time range modifier in a search?

A. earliest=01/01/2019:00:00:00

B. earliest=01/01/2019T00:00:00

C. earliest=2019-01-01 00:00:00

D. earliest=2019-01-01T00:00:00


Explanation: The valid syntax for specifying an absolute time range modifier in a search is earliest=01/01/2019T00:00:00. The T character separates the date and time components. The other options are invalid because they use either a colon or a space instead of a T. For more information, see Specify time modifiers in your search.

Which of the following statements defines a namespace?

A. The namespace is a combination of the user and the app.

B. The namespace is a combination of the user, the app, and the role.

C. The namespace is a combination of the user, the app, the role, and the sharing level.

D. The namespace is a combination of the user, the app, the role, the sharing level, and the permissions.

  The namespace is a combination of the user and the app.

Explanation: The correct answer is A because the namespace is a combination of the user and the app. The namespace determines the scope and visibility of the knowledge objects in Splunk. The role, the sharing level, and the permissions are not part of the namespace, but they affect the access to the knowledge objects. You can find more information about the namespace and the knowledge objects in the Splunk Developer Guide.

Page 3 out of 14 Pages