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Splunk SPLK-1003 Test Dumps

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Question # 1

What action is required to enable forwarder management in Splunk Web?
A. Navigate to Settings > Server Settings > General Settings, and set an App server port.
B. Navigate to Settings > Forwarding and receiving, and click on Enable Forwarding.
C. Create a server class and map it to a client inSPLUNK_HOME/etc/system/local/serverclass.conf.
D. Place an app in theSPLUNK_HOME/etc/deployment-appsdirectory of the deployment server.

  Create a server class and map it to a client inSPLUNK_HOME/etc/system/local/serverclass.conf.

"To activate deployment server, you must place at least one app into %SPLUNK_HOME%\etc\deployment-apps on the host you want to act as deployment server. In this case, the app is the "send to indexer" app you created earlier, and the host is the indexer you set up initially."

Question # 2

Which Splunk component requires a Forwarder license?
A. Search head
B. Heavy forwarder
C. Heaviest forwarder
D. Universal forwarder

  Heavy forwarder

Question # 3

An admin is running the latest version of Splunk with a 500 GB license. The current daily volume of new data is 300 GB per day. To minimize license issues, what is the best way to add 10 TB of historical data to the index?
A. Buy a bigger Splunk license.
B. Add 2.5 TB each day for the next 5 days.
C. Add all 10 TB in a single 24 hour period.
D. Add 200 GB of historical data each day for 50 days.

  Add all 10 TB in a single 24 hour period.

"An Enterprise license stack with a license volume of 100 GB of data per day or more does not currently violate."

Question # 4

A security team needs to ingest a static file for a specific incident. The log file has not been collected previously and future updates to the file must not be indexed. Which command would meet these needs?
A. splunk add one shot / opt/ incident [data .log —index incident
B. splunk edit monitor /opt/incident/data.* —index incident
C. splunk add monitor /opt/incident/data.log —index incident
D. splunk edit oneshot [opt/ incident/data.* —index incident

  splunk add one shot / opt/ incident [data .log —index incident

The correct answer is A. splunk add one shot / opt/ incident [data . log —index incident According to the Splunk documentation1, the splunk add one shot command adds a single file or directory to the Splunk index and then stops monitoring it. This is useful for ingesting static files that do not change or update. The command takes the following syntax:
splunk add one shot -index
The file parameter specifies the path to the file or directory to be indexed. The index parameter specifies the name of the index where the data will be stored. If the index does not exist, Splunk will create it automatically.
Option B is incorrect because the splunk edit monitor command modifies an existing monitor input, which is used for ingesting files or directories that change or update over time. This command does not create a new monitor input, nor does it stop monitoring after indexing.
Option C is incorrect because the splunk add monitor command creates a new monitor input, which is also used for ingesting files or directories that change or update over time. This command does not stop monitoring after indexing.
Option D is incorrect because the splunk edit oneshot command does not exist. There is no such command in the Splunk CLI.

Question # 5

Which valid bucket types are searchable? (select all that apply)
A. Hot buckets
B. Cold buckets
C. Warm buckets
D. Frozen buckets

  Hot buckets

  Cold buckets

  Warm buckets

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Splunk Enterprise Certified Admin Exam Exam Dumps

Exam Code: SPLK-1003
Exam Name: Splunk Enterprise Certified Admin Exam

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