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Splunk SPLK-1002 Test Dumps

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Question # 1

Which of the following statements describes Search workflow actions?
A. By default. Search workflow actions will run as a real-time search.
B. Search workflow actions can be configured as scheduled searches,
C. The user can define the time range of the search when created the workflow action.
D. Search workflow actions cannot be configured with a search string that includes the transaction command

  The user can define the time range of the search when created the workflow action.

Explanation: Search workflow actions are custom actions that run a search when you click on a field value in your search results. Search workflow actions can be configured with various options, such as label name, search string, time range, app context, etc. One of the options is to define the time range of the search when creating the workflow action. You can choose from predefined time ranges, such as Last 24 hours, Last 7 days, etc., or specify a custom time range using relative or absolute time modifiers. Search workflow actions do not run as real-time searches by default, but rather use the same time range as the original search unless specified otherwise. Search workflow actions cannot be configured as scheduled searches, as they are only triggered by user interaction. Search workflow actions can be configured with any valid search string that includes any search command, such as transaction.

Question # 2

Which of the following data model are included In the Splunk Common Information Model (CIM) add-on? (select all that apply)
A. Alerts
B. Email
C. Database
D. User permissions




The Splunk Common Information Model (CIM) add-on is a collection of pre-built data models and knowledge objects that help you normalize your data from different sources and make it easier to analyze and report on it3. The CIM add-on includes several data models that cover various domains such as Alerts, Email, Database, Network Traffic, Web and more3. Therefore, options A, B and C are correct because they are names of some of the data models included in the CIM add-on. Option D is incorrect because User permissions is not a name of a data model in the CIM add-on.

Question # 3

What is the correct syntax to search for a tag associated with a value on a specific fields?
A. Tag-
B. Tag
C. Tag=::
D. Tag::=


A tag is a descriptive label that you can apply to one or more fields or field values in your events2. You can use tags to simplify your searches by replacing long or complex field names or values with short and simple tags2. To search for a tag associated with a value on a specific field, you can use the following syntax: tag::=2. For example, tag::status=error will search for events where the status field has a tag named error. Therefore, option D is correct, while options A, B and C are incorrect because they do not follow the correct syntax for searching tags.

Question # 4

A space is an implied _____ in a search string.
C. ()


Explanation: A space is an implied AND in a search string, which means that it acts as a logical operator that returns events that match both terms on either side of the space2. For example, status=200 method=GET will return events that have both status=200 and method=GET2. Therefore, option B is correct, while options A, C and D are incorrect because they are not implied by a space in a search string.

Question # 5

When creating a Search workflow action, which field is required?
A. Search string
B. Data model name
C. Permission setting
D. An eval statement

  Search string

A workflow action is a link that appears when you click an event field value in your search results2. A workflow action can open a web page or run another search based on the field value2. There are two types of workflow actions: GET and POST2. A GET workflow action appends the field value to the end of a URI and opens it in a web browser2. A POST workflow action sends the field value as part of an HTTP request to a web server2. When creating a Search workflow action, which is a type of GET workflow action that runs another search based on the field value, the only required field is the search string2. The search string defines the search that will be run when the workflow action is clicked2. Therefore, option A is correct, while options B, C and D are incorrect because they are not required fields for creating a Search workflow action.

Question # 6

When performing a regular expression (regex) field extraction using the Field Extractor (FX), what happens when the require option is used?
A. The regex can no longer be edited.
B. The field being extracted will be required for all future events.
C. The events without the required field will not display in searches.
D. Only events with the required string will be included in the extraction.

  Only events with the required string will be included in the extraction.

Explanation: The Field Extractor (FX) allows you to use regular expressions (regex) to extract fields from your events using a graphical interface or by manually editing the regex2. When you use the FX to perform a regex field extraction, you can use the require option to specify a string that must be present in an event for it to be included in the extraction2. This way, you can filter out events that do not contain the required string and focus on the events that are relevant for your extraction2. Therefore, option D is correct, while options A, B and C are incorrect.

Question # 7

What does the Splunk Common Information Model (CIM) add-on include? (select all that apply)
A. Custom visualizations
B. Pre-configured data models
C. Fields and event category tags
D. Automatic data model acceleration

  Pre-configured data models

  Fields and event category tags

Explanation: The Splunk Common Information Model (CIM) add-on is a collection of prebuilt data models and knowledge objects that help you normalize your data from different sources and make it easier to analyze and report on it3. The CIM add-on includes preconfigured data models that cover various domains such as Alerts, Email, Database, Network Traffic, Web and more3. Therefore, option B is correct. The CIM add-on also includes fields and event category tags that define the common attributes and labels for the data models3. Therefore, option C is correct. The CIM add-on does not include custom visualizations or automatic data model acceleration. Therefore, options A and D are incorrect.

Question # 8

Which of the following statements describe the search string below?
| datamodel Application_State All_Application_State search
A. Evenrches would return a report of sales by state.
B. Events will be returned from the data model named Application_State.
C. Events will be returned from the data model named All_Application_state.
D. No events will be returned because the pipe should occur after the datamodel command

  Events will be returned from the data model named Application_State.

Explanation: The search string below returns events from the data model named Application_State.
| datamodel Application_State All_Application_State search
The search string does the following:
It uses the datamodel command to access a data model in Splunk. The datamodel command takes two arguments: the name of the data model and the name of the dataset within the data model.
It specifies the name of the data model as Application_State. This is a predefined data model in Splunk that contains information about web applications.
It specifies the name of the dataset as All_Application_State. This is a root dataset in the data model that contains all events from all child datasets.
It uses the search command to filter and transform the events from the dataset. The search command can use any search criteria or command to modify the results.
Therefore, the search string returns events from the data model named Application_State.

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Splunk Core Certified Power User Exam Exam Dumps

Exam Code: SPLK-1002
Exam Name: Splunk Core Certified Power User Exam

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