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SPLK-1002 Practice Test

Page 9 out of 55 Pages

Topic 2: Questions Set 2

A Splunk app is configured to extract domain names in web service logs and specify them as a field named domain. What workflow action would return an external IP lookup for the field named domain?




D. Search


Explanation: In Splunk, a workflow action that returns an external IP lookup for a field named domain would typically use the GET method. This HTTP method is used to retrieve data from a specified resource, which is appropriate for looking up information based on the domain field.

When using| timechart by host, which field is represented in the x-axis

A. date

B. host

C. time

D. _time


Which of the following is included with the Splunk Common Information Model (CIM) Addon?

A. Sourcetype definitions from the most popular technology vendors

B. A set of pre-configured data models.

C. Scripted inputs to pre-align data with the CIM.

D. Dashboards to validate data quality.

  A set of pre-configured data models.

Explanation: The Splunk Common Information Model (CIM) Add-on is a foundational component for many Splunk apps, providing a common framework for data normalization and field extraction. This add-on includes a set of pre-configured data models that are essential for consistent reporting, searching, and correlation across various types of data. These data models help standardize field names and event structures, ensuring that data from disparate sources can be queried in a uniform way. While the CIM Add-on facilitates the use of standardized sourcetypes and supports data validation, the primary feature it offers is the set of pre-configured data models which are crucial for maintaining consistency across different datasets.

This function of the stats command allows you to return the middle-most value of field X.

A. Fields(X)

B. Median(X)

C. Eval by X

D. Values(X)


Which of the following eval commands will provide a new value for host from src if it exists?

A. | eval host = if (isnu11 (src), src, host)

B. | eval host = if (NOT src = host, src, host)

C. | eval host = if (src = host, src, host)

D. | eval host = if (isnotnull (src), src, host)

  | eval host = if (isnotnull (src), src, host)

The eval command is a Splunk command that allows you to create or modify fields using expressions .
The if function is an expression that evaluates a condition and returns a value based on whether the condition is true or false. The syntax of the if function is if(X,Y,Z), where X is the condition, Y is the value to return if X is true, and Z is the value to return if X is false.
The isnotnull function is an expression that returns true if the argument is not null, and false otherwise. The syntax of the isnotnull function is isnotnull(X), where X is the argument to check.
Therefore, the expression if (isnotnull (src), src, host) returns the value of src if it is not null, and the value of host otherwise. This means that it will provide a new value for host from src if it exists, and keep the original value of host otherwise.

Page 9 out of 55 Pages