Topic 2: Questions Set 2
Why would the following search produce multiple transactions instead of one?
A. The maxspan option is not included
B. The transaction command has a limit of 1000 events per transaction.
C. The transaction and commands cannot be used together
D. The stats list () function is used
In Splunk, thetransactioncommand is used to group events that share common
characteristics into a single transaction1.By default, thetransactioncommand groups all
matching events into a single transaction1.
However, you can use themaxspanoption to limit the time span of the transactions1.If the
time span between the first and last event in a transaction exceeds themaxspanvalue,
thetransactioncommand will start a new transaction1.
Therefore, if themaxspanoption is not included in the search, thetransactioncommand
might produce multiple transactions instead of one if the time span between the first and
last event in a transaction exceeds the defaultmaxspanvalue1.
Here is an example of how you can use themaxspanoption in a search:
index=main sourcetype=access_combined | transaction someuniqefield maxspan=1h
In this search, thetransactioncommand groups events that share the
samesomeuniqefieldvalue into a single transaction, but only if the time span between the
first and last event in the transaction does not exceed 1 hour1.If the time span exceeds 1
hour, thetransactioncommand will start a new transaction1.
What field must be present in order to use the timechart command?
A. _raw
B. rime
C. _time
D. index
Explanation: The timechart command in Splunk requires the _time field to be present in the dataset because it uses time as the primary axis for charting data. The _time field represents the time of events and is essential for commands that generate visualizations based on time, such as timechart. This command groups the events into time intervals and performs statistical functions on those time intervals. Without the _time field, the timechart command will not function properly.
Which search retrieves events with the event type web_errors?
A. tag=web_errors
B. eventtype=web_errors
C. eventtype "web errors"
D. eventtype (web_errors)
The correct answer is B. eventtype=web_errors.
An event type is a way to categorize events based on a search. An event type assigns a
label to events that match a specific search criteria.Event types can be used to filter and
group events, create alerts, or generate reports1.
To search for events that have a specific event type, you need to use the eventtype field
with the name of the event type as the value. The syntax for this is:
For example, if you want to search for events that have the event type web_errors, you can
use the following syntax:
This will return only the events that match the search criteria defined by the web_errors
event type.
The other options are not correct because they use different syntax or fields that are not
related to event types. These options are:
A. tag=web_errors: This option uses the tag field, which is a way to add descriptive
keywords to events based on field values. Tags are different from event types,
although they can be used together.Tags can be used to filter and group events by
common characteristics2.
C. eventtype “web errors”: This option uses quotation marks around the event type
name, which is not valid syntax for the eventtype field.Quotation marks are used to
enclose phrases or exact matches in a search3.
D. eventtype (web_errors): This option uses parentheses around the event type
name, which is also not valid syntax for the eventtype field.Parentheses are used
to group expressions or terms in a search3.
Which knowledge object is used to normalize field names to comply with the Splunk Common Information Model (CIM)?
A. Field alias
B. Event types
C. Search workflow action
D. Tags
The correct answer isA. Field alias123.
In Splunk, a field alias is a knowledge object that you can use to assign an alternate name
to a field3.This can be particularly useful when you want to normalize your data to comply
with the Splunk Common Information Model (CIM)12.
The CIM provides a methodology for normalizing values to a common field name1.It acts
as a search-time schema to define relationships in the event data while leaving the raw
machine data intact2.By using field aliases, you can map vendor fields to common fields
that are the same for each data source in a given domain4.This allows you to correlate
events from different source types by normalizing these different occurrences to a common
structure and naming convention1.
Which of the following options will define the first event in a transaction?
A. startswith
B. with
C. startingwith
D. firstevent
The explanation is as follows:
Thetransactioncommand is used to find transactions based on events that meet
various constraints12.
Transactions are made up of the raw text (the _raw field) of each member, the
time and date fields of the earliest member, as well as the union of all other fields of each member1.
Thestartswithoption is used to define the first event in a transaction by specifying a
search term or an expression that matches the event13.
For example,| transaction clientip JSESSIONID startswith="view"will create
transactions based on theclientipandJSESSIONIDfields, and the first event in each
transaction will contain the term “view” in the _raw field2.
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