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Google Professional-Cloud-Developer Test Dumps

Total Questions Answers: 254
Last Updated: 27-Jan-2025
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Question # 1

HipLocal is configuring their access controls. Which firewall configuration should they implement?
A. Block all traffic on port 443.
B. Allow all traffic into the network.
C. Allow traffic on port 443 for a specific tag.
D. Allow all traffic on port 443 into the network.

  Allow all traffic on port 443 into the network.

Question # 2

Which service should HipLocal use to enable access to internal apps?
A. Cloud VPN
B. Cloud Armor
C. Virtual Private Cloud
D. Cloud Identity-Aware Proxy

  Cloud Identity-Aware Proxy

Question # 3

HipLocal's APIs are showing occasional failures, but they cannot find a pattern. They want to collect some metrics to help them troubleshoot. What should they do?
A. Take frequent snapshots of all of the VMs.
B. Install the Stackdriver Logging agent on the VMs.
C. Install the Stackdriver Monitoring agent on the VMs.
D. Use Stackdriver Trace to look for performance bottlenecks.

  Install the Stackdriver Monitoring agent on the VMs.

Question # 4

For this question, refer to the HipLocal case study. A recent security audit discovers that HipLocal’s database credentials for their Compute Engine-hosted MySQL databases are stored in plain text on persistent disks. HipLocal needs to reduce the risk of these credentials being stolen. What should they do?
A. Create a service account and download its key. Use the key to authenticate to Cloud Key Management Service (KMS) to obtain the database credentials.
B. Create a service account and download its key. Use the key to authenticate to Cloud Key Management Service (KMS) to obtain a key used to decrypt the database credentials.
C. Create a service account and grant it the roles/iam.serviceAccountUser role. Impersonate as this account and authenticate using the Cloud SQL Proxy.
D. Grant the roles/secretmanager.secretAccessor role to the Compute Engine service account. Store and access the database credentials with the Secret Manager API.

  Grant the roles/secretmanager.secretAccessor role to the Compute Engine service account. Store and access the database credentials with the Secret Manager API.

Question # 5

In order for HipLocal to store application state and meet their stated business requirements, which database service should they migrate to?
A. Cloud Spanner
B. Cloud Datastore
C. Cloud Memorystore as a cache
D. Separate Cloud SQL clusters for each region

  Separate Cloud SQL clusters for each region

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Google Certified Professional - Cloud Developer Exam Dumps

Exam Code: Professional-Cloud-Developer
Exam Name: Google Certified Professional - Cloud Developer

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