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Google Professional-Cloud-DevOps-Engineer Test Dumps

Total Questions Answers: 162
Last Updated: 17-Feb-2025
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Question # 1

You encountered a major service outage that affected all users of the service for multiple
hours. After several hours of incident management, the service returned to normal, and
user access was restored. You need to provide an incident summary to relevant
stakeholders following the Site Reliability Engineering recommended practices. What
should you do first?


Call individual stakeholders lo explain what happened.


Develop a post-mortem to be distributed to stakeholders.


Send the Incident State Document to all the stakeholders.


Require the engineer responsible to write an apology email to all stakeholders.


Develop a post-mortem to be distributed to stakeholders.

Question # 2

You use Cloud Build to build your application. You want to reduce the build time while minimizing cost and development effort. What should you do?


Use Cloud Storage to cache intermediate artifacts.


Run multiple Jenkins agents to parallelize the build.


Use multiple smaller build steps to minimize execution time.


Use larger Cloud Build virtual machines (VMs) by using the machine-type option.


Use multiple smaller build steps to minimize execution time.

Question # 3

You have an application running in Google Kubernetes Engine. The application invokes multiple services per request but responds too slowly. You need to identify which downstream service or services are causing the delay. What should you do?


Analyze VPC flow logs along the path of the request.


Investigate the Liveness and Readiness probes for each service.


Create a Dataflow pipeline to analyze service metrics in real time.


Use a distributed tracing framework such as OpenTelemetry or Stackdriver Trace.


Create a Dataflow pipeline to analyze service metrics in real time.

Question # 4

Your application images are built and pushed to Google Container Registry (GCR). You want to build an automated pipeline that deploys the application when the image is updated while minimizing the development effort. What should you do?


Use Cloud Build to trigger a Spinnaker pipeline.


Use Cloud Pub/Sub to trigger a Spinnaker pipeline.


Use a custom builder in Cloud Build to trigger a Jenkins pipeline.


Use Cloud Pub/Sub to trigger a custom deployment service running in Google
Kubernetes Engine (GKE).


Use Cloud Pub/Sub to trigger a Spinnaker pipeline.

Explanation: cloud

Question # 5

You are running a real-time gaming application on Compute Engine that has a production
and testing environment. Each environment has their own Virtual Private Cloud (VPC)
network. The application frontend and backend servers are located on different subnets in
the environment's VPC. You suspect there is a malicious process communicating
intermittently in your production frontend servers. You want to ensure that network traffic is
captured for analysis. What should you do?


Enable VPC Flow Logs on the production VPC network frontend and backend subnets only with a sample volume scale of 0.5.


Enable VPC Flow Logs on the production VPC network frontend and backend subnets only with a sample volume scale of 1.0.


Enable VPC Flow Logs on the testing and production VPC network frontend and backend subnets with a volume scale of 0.5. Apply changes in
testing before production.


Enable VPC Flow Logs on the testing and production VPC network frontend and
backend subnets with a volume scale of 1.0. Apply changes in testing before production.


Enable VPC Flow Logs on the testing and production VPC network frontend and
backend subnets with a volume scale of 1.0. Apply changes in testing before production.

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Google Cloud Certified - Professional Cloud DevOps Engineer Exam Exam Dumps

Exam Code: Professional-Cloud-DevOps-Engineer
Exam Name: Google Cloud Certified - Professional Cloud DevOps Engineer Exam

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