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Palo Alto Networks PSE-StrataDC Test Dumps

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Last Updated: 24-Feb-2025
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Question # 1

In a VMware deployment, in order for the customer to get maximum performance out of a VM-700 firewall in
PAN-OS 8 x how many virtual CPU cores can be used?











Question # 2

What is the default session distribution policy in the PA-7000 Series?






Round Robin





PA-7000 Series firewalls only
) New sessions are assigned to a DP on the same NPC on which the first packet of the session arrived. The
selection of the DP is based on the session-load algorithm but, in this case, sessions are limited to the DPs on
the ingress NPC.
Depending on the traffic and network topology, this policy generally decreases the odds that traffic will need
to traverse the switch fabric.
Use this policy to reduce latency if both ingress and egress are on the same NPC. If the firewall has a mix of
NPCs (PA-7000 20G and PA-7000 20GXM for example), this policy can isolate the increased capacity to the
corresponding NPCs and help to isolate the impact of NPC failures.

Question # 3

In an overlay network model of an ACI architecture, which statement is correct?


The Top of Rack (TOR) switch must be able to understand both the overlay and the underlay network


All forwarding lookups are done at the network controller.


The network controller is responsible for setting up the overlay paths


The underlay network must be Layer 3 only.


The Top of Rack (TOR) switch must be able to understand both the overlay and the underlay network

Question # 4

Which three software components have integration for deploying a VM-Series firewall in OpenStack? (Choose three)


Mirantis OpenStack distribution


Nuage VSP SDN controller


VMWare NSX for OpenStack


Cisco ACI


Contrail SDN controller


Mirantis OpenStack distribution


VMWare NSX for OpenStack


Cisco ACI

Question # 5

What are two ways to size a VM-Series firewall deployment to secure a VMware ESXi environment? (Choose two )


one per virtual network


one per vCenter server


one per SaaS application in use


one per ESXi host


one per virtual network


one per SaaS application in use

Question # 6

What is a company that is moving as much of its business as possible into Microsoft Azure trying to


capital expenses


operating expenses


security exposure


operating expenses and capital expenses


operating expenses

Question # 7

Which features are included in the less-expensive license bundle meant for NSX?


capacity license, premium support, a threat prevention subscription. and GlobalProtect


capacity license and premium support


capacity license, premium support and a threat prevention subscription


capacity license and a threat prevention subscription


capacity license and premium support

Question # 8

A single VM runs a web server and a DNS server A separate VM needs to access the DNS server, but is not allowed to access the web server What network control functionality is necessary to enforce this security posture'?


can use a Palo Alto Networks NGFW for this requirement, but not a port filter firewall.


can use either a Palo Alto Networks NGFW or a port filler firewall for this requirement.


can use a port filter firewall for this requirement but not the Palo Alto Networks NGFW.


can use a specialized VM with advanced threat protection for this requirement


can use a port filter firewall for this requirement but not the Palo Alto Networks NGFW.

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Palo Alto Networks System Engineer Professional - Strata Data Center Exam Dumps

Exam Code: PSE-StrataDC
Exam Name: Palo Alto Networks System Engineer Professional - Strata Data Center

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