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Palo Alto Networks PSE-Strata Test Dumps

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Question # 1

A client chooses to not block uncategorized websites. Which two additions should be made to help provide some protection? (Choose two.)
A. A URL filtering profile with the action set to continue for unknown URL categories to security policy rules that allow web access
B. A data filtering profile with a custom data pattern to security policy rules that deny uncategorized websites
C. A file blocking profile attached to security policy rules that allow uncategorized websites to help reduce the risk of drive by downloads
D. A security policy rule using only known URL categories with the action set to allow

  A URL filtering profile with the action set to continue for unknown URL categories to security policy rules that allow web access

  A file blocking profile attached to security policy rules that allow uncategorized websites to help reduce the risk of drive by downloads


When a client chooses not to block uncategorized websites, additional measures are necessary to maintain a level of protection.

A URL filtering profile with the action set to continue for unknown URL categories: By setting the action to continue, users will be prompted before accessing uncategorized websites, which provides an extra layer of caution and awareness, helping to mitigate risks associated with unknown sites.

A file blocking profile attached to security policy rules: This helps to reduce the risk of drive-by downloads by blocking potentially harmful file types from being downloaded when users visit uncategorized websites. This additional layer of security ensures that even if users access risky sites, the likelihood of malicious file downloads is minimized.

Question # 2

Which three actions should be taken before deploying a firewall evaluation unt in a customer environment? (Choose three.)
A. Request that the customer make part 3978 available to allow the evaluation unit to communicate with Panorama
B. Inform the customer that a SPAN port must be provided for the evaluation unit, assuming a TAP mode deployment.
C. Upgrade the evaluation unit to the most current recommended firmware, unless a demo of the upgrade process is planned.
D. Set expectations for information being presented in the Security Lifecycle Review (SLR) because personal user information will be made visible
E. Reset the evaluation unit to factory default to ensure that data from any previous customer evaluation is removed

  Upgrade the evaluation unit to the most current recommended firmware, unless a demo of the upgrade process is planned.

  Set expectations for information being presented in the Security Lifecycle Review (SLR) because personal user information will be made visible

  Reset the evaluation unit to factory default to ensure that data from any previous customer evaluation is removed


Before deploying a firewall evaluation unit in a customer environment, it is essential to take certain preparatory actions to ensure a smooth evaluation process and accurate results.

Upgrade the evaluation unit to the most current recommended firmware, unless a demo of the upgrade process is planned (Option C):

Ensures that the evaluation unit is running the latest and most secure firmware, providing the best performance and security features available.

[Reference: Palo Alto Networks documentation on firmware upgrades., Set expectations for information being presented in the Security Lifecycle Review (SLR) because personal user information will be made visible (Option D):, It is crucial to inform the customer about the types of data that will be visible in the SLR to avoid any privacy concerns., Reference: Palo Alto Networks SLR guide., Reset the evaluation unit to factory default to ensure that data from any previous customer evaluation is removed (Option E):, This ensures that any residual data from previous evaluations does not affect the current evaluation results., Reference: Palo Alto Networks documentation on resetting devices to factory defaults., , , ]

Question # 3

What is an advantage of having WildFire machine learning (ML) capability Inline on the firewall?
A. It eliminates of the necessity for dynamic analysis in the cloud
B. It enables the firewall to block unknown malicious files in real time and prevent patient zero without disrupting business productivity
C. It is always able to give more accurate verdicts than the cloud ML analysis reducing false positives and false negatives
D. It improves the CPU performance of content inspection

  It enables the firewall to block unknown malicious files in real time and prevent patient zero without disrupting business productivity


Having WildFire machine learning (ML) capability inline on the firewall provides significant advantages in real-time threat prevention.

Inline ML Capability:

The firewall can analyze and block unknown malicious files in real-time, preventing the first instance of infection (patient zero).

This enhances security without disrupting business productivity, as threats are mitigated immediately.

[Reference: Palo Alto Networks WildFire ML documentation., ]

Question # 4

What helps avoid split brain in active / passive high availability (HA) pair deployment?
A. Enable preemption on both firewalls in the HA pair.
B. Use a standard traffic interface as the HA3 link.
C. Use the management interface as the HA1 backup link
D. Use a standard traffic interface as the HA2 backup

  Use the management interface as the HA1 backup link


To avoid split-brain scenarios in an active/passive high availability (HA) pair deployment, it is essential to ensure reliable communication between the HA peers. Using the management interface as the HA1 backup link provides an additional communication path between the firewalls, ensuring they can synchronize state information and avoid scenarios where both units assume the active role due to a communication failure.

[Reference:, Palo Alto Networks High Availability, ]

Question # 5

Which domain permissions are required by the User-ID Agent for WMI Authentication on a Windows Server? (Choose three.)
A. Domain Administrators
B. Enterprise Administrators
C. Distributed COM Users
D. Event Log Readers

  Domain Administrators

  Distributed COM Users

  Event Log Readers


For the User-ID Agent to perform WMI (Windows Management Instrumentation) Authentication on a Windows Server, the following domain permissions are required:

Domain Administrators: This group has the highest level of privileges in the domain and can perform any action within the Active Directory domain.

Distributed COM Users: This group allows members to launch, activate, and use Distributed COM objects on the server.

Event Log Readers: This group provides read access to the event logs, which is crucial for the User-ID Agent to collect security events necessary for user identification​ (Palo Alto Networks)​​ (Palo Alto Networks)​.

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Palo Alto Networks System Engineer Professional-Strata Exam Dumps

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