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Microsoft PL-300 Test Dumps

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Last Updated: 17-Feb-2025
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Question # 1

You have a Power BI data model that contains the following three tables:


The Sales table is related to the Date and Product tables by using many-to-one relationships. The Sales table contains a column named Total Sales Amount. You need to create a measure named Total Sales that can be used in visuals to aggregate Total Sales Amounts by product or by date. What should you use? (Select only one answer.)
A. Total Sales = ALL (‘Sales’[Total Sales Amount])
B. Total Sales = CALCULATE ([Total Sales])
C. Total Sales = MAX(‘Sales’[Total Sales Amount])
D. Total Sales = SUM(‘Sales’[Total Sales Amount])

  Total Sales = SUM(‘Sales’[Total Sales Amount])

Question # 2

You need to create a Power Bl theme that will be used in multiple reports. The theme will include corporate branding for font size, color, and bar chart formatting.
What should you do?


Create a theme as a PBIVIZ file and import the theme into Power Bl Desktop.


Create a theme as a JSON file and import the theme into Power Bl Desktop.


From Power Bl Desktop, use a built-in report theme.


From Power Bl Desktop, customize the current theme.


From Power Bl Desktop, customize the current theme.

Question # 3

You are modifying a Power Bi model by using Power Bl Desktop.
You have a table named Sales that contains the following fields.

Question # 4

You have a Power Bl report
You have a table named Dalai that contains 10 million rows. Data is used in the following visuals:
• A card that shows the number of records
• A bar chart that snows total transaction amount by territory
• A scatter plot that shows transaction amount and profit amount on the axes and points colored by territory
You need to modify the scatter plot to make it easier for users to identify meaningful patterns. The solution must not affect the accuracy of the other visuals-What should you do?


Apply a row filter to the Dalai query in Power Query Editor.


Add a trend line to the scatter plot.


Enable high-density sampling on the scatter plot.


Add a count field of the transaction amount to the size bucket of the scatter plot.


Add a trend line to the scatter plot.

Question # 5

You are creating a Power BI model that contains a table named Store. Store contains the following fields.
You plan to create a map visual that will show store locations and provide the ability to drill down from Country to State/Province to City. What should you do to ensure that the locations are mapped property?


Set the data category of City. State/Province, and Country.


Set Summarization for City. State/Province, and Country to Don't summarize.


Change the data type of City. State/Province, and Country.


Create a calculated column that concatenates the values it City, State/Province, and Country.


Set the data category of City. State/Province, and Country.

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Microsoft Power BI Data Analyst Exam Dumps

Exam Code: PL-300
Exam Name: Microsoft Power BI Data Analyst

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PL-300 Practice Test Details

204 Single Choice Questions
29 Multiple Choice Questions
71 Hotspot Questions
39 Drag Drop Questions
11 Fill in the Blanks

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