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PK0-005 Practice Test

Page 8 out of 58 Pages

When introducing a new information asset, what is the MOST important responsibility of the asset owner?

A. Information disposal

B. Information classification

C. Information access administration

D. Information backup

  Information classification

Explanation: The most important responsibility of an asset owner when introducing a new information asset is information classification. This process involves determining the level of sensitivity and the appropriate handling of the asset. Classification helps in applying the right security controls and access permissions, ensuring that the asset is protected according to its value and sensitivity.

After new capabilities were deployed in a system, issues with preexisting capabilities were reported. Which of the following testing cycles should be used to prevent this issue?

A. Performance testing

B. User acceptance testing

C. Stress testing

D. Unit testing

  Unit testing

Explanation: Unit testing is a testing technique that verifies the functionality and quality of individual units or components of software, such as modules, classes, functions, etc. Unit testing can help prevent issues with preexisting capabilities by detecting and fixing errors at an early stage of development, before they affect the integration and system testing. Unit testing can also ensure that new capabilities do not break or interfere with the existing ones, by checking the compatibility and dependencies of the units. Unit testing can be performed by developers using tools and frameworks that automate the process and generate reports.

During a status meeting, the development team reviews work and finds an unforeseen dependency on one of the critical project activities. As a result, the project will most likely be delayed. Which of the following actions should the project manager MOST likely perform?

A. Work with the project scheduler to update the project timeline.

B. Communicate to the stakeholders about the updated timeline.

C. Ask the development team to fast-track upcoming activities.

D. Add two resources so the critical activities will finish on time.

  Work with the project scheduler to update the project timeline.

Explanation: Work with the project scheduler to update the project timeline. The project manager should work with the project scheduler to update the project timeline after finding an unforeseen dependency on one of the critical project activities that will most likely cause a delay. The project scheduler is a person or a tool that helps plan, schedule, monitor, and control the project activities and resources. The project scheduler can help the project manager to assess the impact of the dependency on the project schedule and identify any possible ways to mitigate or resolve it. The project scheduler can also help to update the project timeline with the revised dates and durations of the project activities and communicate them to the relevant stakeholders.

Which of the following would be best to utilize when managing communications for project teams across multiple time zones?

A. Business collaboration tool

B. Email

C. Virtual meetings

D. Enterprise CMS

  Business collaboration tool

Explanation: A business collaboration tool is a software that enables teams to communicate, share, and create together online. A business collaboration tool can help project teams across multiple time zones to overcome the challenges of distance, time differences, and cultural diversity. A business collaboration tool can provide features such as instant messaging, video conferencing, file sharing, document editing, project management, and more. A business collaboration tool can also integrate with other applications and platforms that the project team uses. A business collaboration tool can improve the efficiency, productivity, and quality of the project team’s work12.

Which of the following is required to provide a hardware installation with a Tier 5 redundancy level?

A. Storage project

B. Computer services project

C. Database project

D. Multitiered architecture project

  Multitiered architecture project

Page 8 out of 58 Pages