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Salesforce Order-Management-Administrator Test Dumps

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Question # 1

At minimum, a custom attribute must be created on which objects for the values to automap in Order Management from B2C Commerce Cloud at the Order item level?
A. Order and Order Summary
B. Order Item and Order Item Summary
C. Order, Order Summary, Order Item and Order Item Summary
D. Order, Order Summary, Change Order and Fulfillment Order

  Order Item and Order Item Summary

Question # 2

An administrator needs to send an Outbound Message to an external accounting system whenever a Fulfillment Order is created. What is the best practice to create this functionality?
A. Create a Process Builder
B. Create a Flow
C. Create an Apex Trigger
D. Create a Workflow Rule

  Create a Process Builder

Explanation: The best practice to create this functionality is to use a Process Builder. A Process Builder is a declarative tool that allows administrators to automate business processes based on certain criteria and actions. The administrator can create a Process Builder that triggers when a Fulfillment Order is created, and then executes an Outbound Message action that sends the information to the external accounting system.

Question # 3

Which object is used to create an invoice?
A. Fulfillment Order
B. Order Summary
C. Shipment
D. Order

  Order Summary

Explanation: The Order Summary object is used to create an invoice. An invoice is a document that requests payment from a customer for an order. An invoice can include one or more fulfillment orders and one or more credit memos. A fulfillment order is a record that represents a part of an order that is fulfilled by a specific location. A credit memo is a record that represents a partial or full refund for an order or a fulfillment order. To create an invoice, an administrator can use the Create Invoice Apex action in a flow. The Create Invoice Apex action requires the Order Summary ID as an input parameter and creates an Invoice record associated with the Order Summary record. References: Order Management Objects, [Create Invoice Apex Action]

Question # 4

How can an administrator add visibility rules for the buttons in the Highlights Panel on the Order Summary record page?
A. Modify the visibility rules of the Highlights Panel Actions in the page layout
B. Navigate to the Order Summary object in Setup and modify the Highlights Panel visibility rules
C. Modify the Lightning Record Page Highlights Panel using Dynamic Actions
D. Create a custom Highlights Panel component

  Modify the Lightning Record Page Highlights Panel using Dynamic Actions

Question # 5

The Northern Trail Outfitters (NTO) team is already using Order Management. The team wants to transition from their home-grown Commerce engine to B2C Commerce Cloud. Which action do they need to perform?
A. File a support case to activate an integration between B2C Commerce and Order Management
B. Export the orders from B2C periodically and import them into Order Management using a scheduled job
C. Change the Order Integration Flow in Setup so the org will start seeing the orders flow in
D. Create a Flow to download the Orders from an SFTP location where B2C Commerce drops them and then ingest the data into Order Management

  File a support case to activate an integration between B2C Commerce and Order Management

Explanation: The integration between B2C Commerce and Order Management is not enabledby default. To activate it, an administrator needs to file a support case with Salesforce and provide the necessary information, such as the B2C Commerce instance URL, the Order Management org ID, and the API user credentials3

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Salesforce Order Management Administrator Accredited Professional (SU24) Exam Dumps

Exam Code: Order-Management-Administrator
Exam Name: Salesforce Order Management Administrator Accredited Professional (SU24)

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