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Fortinet NSE5_FMG-7.2 Test Dumps

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Last Updated: 17-Feb-2025
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Question # 1

An administrator has enabled Service Access on FortiManager. What is the purpose of Service Access on the FortiManager interface?
A. It allows FortiManager to respond to requests for FortiGuard services from FortiGate devices.
B. It allows FortiManager to determine the connection status of managed devices.
C. It allows administrative access to FortiManager.
D. It allows third-party applications to gain read/write access to FortiManager.

  It allows FortiManager to respond to requests for FortiGuard services from FortiGate devices.


Enabling Service Access on FortiManager can include settings that allow it to act as a proxy or intermediary for FortiGuard services to managed FortiGate devices. This is particularly useful in network architectures where direct communication from FortiGate devices to FortiGuard servers is restricted or not possible.

Question # 2

An administrator would like to create an SD-WAN using central management. What steps does the administrator need to perform to create an SD-WAN using central management?
A. First create an SD-WAN firewall policy, add member interfaces to the SD-WAN template and create a static route
B. You must specify a gateway address when you create a default static route
C. Remove all the interface references such as routes or policies
D. Enable SD-WAN central management in the ADOM, add member interfaces, create a static route and SDWAN firewall policies.

  Enable SD-WAN central management in the ADOM, add member interfaces, create a static route and SDWAN firewall policies.

Question # 3

An administrator is replacing a device on FortiManager by running the following command: execute device replace sn . What device name and serial number must the administrator use?
A. Device name and serial number of the original device.
B. Device name and serial number of the replacement device.
C. Device name of the replacement device and serial number of the original device.
D. Device name of the original device and serial number of the replacement device.

  Device name of the original device and serial number of the replacement device.

Question # 4

Which two statements about Security Fabric integration with FortiManager are true? (Choose two.)
A. The Security Fabric license, group name and password are required for the FortiManager Security Fabric integration
B. The Fabric View module enables you to generate the Security Fabric ratings for Security Fabric devices
C. The Security Fabric settings are part of the device level settings
D. The Fabric View module enables you to view the Security Fabric ratings for Security Fabric devices

  The Security Fabric settings are part of the device level settings

  The Fabric View module enables you to view the Security Fabric ratings for Security Fabric devices

Question # 5

What are two outcomes of ADOM revisions? (Choose two.)
A. ADOM revisions can significantly increase the size of the configuration backups.
B. ADOM revisions can save the current size of the whole ADOM
C. ADOM revisions can create System Checkpoints for the FortiManager configuration
D. ADOM revisions can save the current state of all policy packages and objects for an ADOM

  ADOM revisions can significantly increase the size of the configuration backups.

  ADOM revisions can save the current state of all policy packages and objects for an ADOM


[Reference:, , ]

Question # 6

What will be the result of reverting to a previous revision version in the revision history?
A. It will install configuration changes to managed device automatically
B. It will tag the device settings status as Auto-Update
C. It will generate a new version ID and remove all other revision history versions
D. It will modify the device-level database

  It will modify the device-level database

Question # 7

Refer to the exhibit showing a Download Import Report. Why is it failing to import firewall policy ID 1?
A. Policy ID 1 is configured from the interface any to port6. FortiManager rejects the request to import this policy because the any interface does not exist on FortiManager.
B. The address object used in policy ID 1 already exists in the ADOM database with any as the interface association, and conflicts with the address object interface association locally on FortiGate.
C. Policy ID 1 does not have the ADOM Interface mapping configured on FortiManager.
D. Policy ID 1 for this managed FortiGate already exists on FortiManager in the policy package named Remote-FortiGate.

  The address object used in policy ID 1 already exists in the ADOM database with any as the interface association, and conflicts with the address object interface association locally on FortiGate.

Question # 8

Which of the following statements are true regarding VPN Manager? (Choose three.)
A. VPN Manager must be enabled on a per ADOM basis.
B. VPN Manager automatically adds newly-registered devices to a VPN community.
C. VPN Manager can install common IPsec VPN settings on multiple FortiGate devices at the same time.
D. Common IPsec settings need to be configured only once in a VPN Community for all managed gateways.
E. VPN Manager automatically creates all the necessary firewall policies for traffic to be tunneled by IPsec.

  VPN Manager must be enabled on a per ADOM basis.

  VPN Manager can install common IPsec VPN settings on multiple FortiGate devices at the same time.

  Common IPsec settings need to be configured only once in a VPN Community for all managed gateways.

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Fortinet NSE 5 - FortiManager 7.2 Exam Dumps

Exam Code: NSE5_FMG-7.2
Exam Name: Fortinet NSE 5 - FortiManager 7.2

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