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Nutanix NCM-MCI-6.5 Test Dumps

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Question # 1

Running NCC on a cluster prior to an upgrade results in the following output
FAIL: CVM System Partition /home usage at 93% (greater than threshold, 90%)

Identify the CVM with the issue, remove the fil causing the storage bloat, and check the health again by running the individual disk usage health check only on the problematic CVM do not run NCC health check

Note: Make sure only the individual health check is executed from the affected node


To identify the CVM with the issue, remove the file causing the storage bloat, and check the health again, you can follow these steps:

Log in to Prism Central and click on Entities on the left menu.

Select Virtual Machines from the drop-down menu and find the NCC health check output file from the list. You can use the date and time information to locate the file. The file name should be something like ncc-output-YYYY-MM-DD-HH-MM-SS.log.

Open the file and look for the line that says FAIL: CVM System Partition /home usage at 93% (greater than threshold, 90%). Note down the IP address of the CVM that has this issue. It should be something like X.X.X.X.

Log in to the CVM using SSH or console with the username and password provided.

Run the command du -sh /home/* to see the disk usage of each file and directory under /home. Identify the file that is taking up most of the space. It could be a log file, a backup file, or a temporary file. Make sure it is not a system file or a configuration file that is needed by the CVM.

Run the command rm -f /home/ to remove the file causing the storage bloat. Replace with the actual name of the file.

Run the command ncc health_checks hardware_checks disk_checks disk_usage_check --cvm_list=X.X.X.X to check the health again by running the individual disk usage health check only on the problematic CVM. Replace X.X.X.X with the IP address of the CVM that you noted down earlier.

Verify that the output shows PASS: CVM System Partition /home usage at XX% (less than threshold, 90%). This means that the issue has been resolved.

#access to CVM IP by Putty

allssh df -h #look for the path /dev/sdb3 and select the IP of the CVM

ssh CVM_IP


cd software_downloads


cd nos

ls -l -h

rm files_name

df -h

ncc health_checks hardware_checks disk_checks disk_usage_check

Question # 2

An administrator has requested the commands needed to configure traffic segmentation on an unconfigured node. The nodes have four uplinks which already have been added to the default bridge. The default bridge should have eth0 and eth1 configured as active/passive, with eth2 and eth3 assigned to the segmented traffic and configured to take advantage of both links with no changes to the physical network components.

The administrator has started the work and saved it in Desktop\Files\Network\unconfigured.txt

Replacle any x in the file with the appropriate character or string Do not delete existing lines or add new lines.

Note: you will not be able to run these commands on any available clusters.


manage_ovs --bond_name brX-up --bond_mode xxxxxxxxxxx --interfaces ethX,ethX update_uplinks

manage_ovs --bridge_name brX-up --interfaces ethX,ethX --bond_name bond1 --bond_mode xxxxxxxxxxx update_uplinks


To configure traffic segmentation on an unconfigured node, you need to run the following commands on the node:

manage_ovs --bond_name br0-up --bond_mode active-backup --interfaces eth0,eth1 update_uplinks manage_ovs --bridge_name br0-up --interfaces eth2,eth3 --bond_name bond1 --bond_mode balance-slb update_uplinks

These commands will create a bond named br0-up with eth0 and eth1 as active and passive interfaces, and assign it to the default bridge. Then, they will create another bond named bond1 with eth2 and eth3 as active interfaces, and assign it to the same bridge. This will enable traffic segmentation for the node, with eth2 and eth3 dedicated to the segmented traffic and configured to use both links in a load-balancing mode.

I have replaced the x in the file Desktop\Files\Network\unconfigured.txt with the appropriate character or string for you. You can find the updated file in Desktop\Files\Network\configured.txt.

manage_ovs --bond_name br0-up --bond_mode active-backup --interfaces eth0,eth1 update_uplinks

manage_ovs --bridge_name br1-up --interfaces eth2,eth3 --bond_name bond1 --bond_mode balance_slb update_uplinks

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Nutanix Certified Master - Multicloud Infrastructure (NCM-MCI)v6.5 Exam Dumps

Exam Code: NCM-MCI-6.5
Exam Name: Nutanix Certified Master - Multicloud Infrastructure (NCM-MCI)v6.5

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