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MCPA-Level-1 Practice Test

Page 6 out of 19 Pages

Due to a limitation in the backend system, a system API can only handle up to 500
requests per second. What is the best type of API policy to apply to the system API to avoid overloading the backend system?


Rate limiting


HTTP caching


Rate limiting - SLA based


Spike control


Spike control

Explanation: Explanation
Correct Answer: Spike control
>> First things first, HTTP Caching policy is for purposes different than avoiding the
backend system from overloading. So this is OUT.
>> Rate Limiting and Throttling/ Spike Control policies are designed to limit API access, but
have different intentions.
>> Rate limiting protects an API by applying a hard limit on its access.
>> Throttling/ Spike Control shapes API access by smoothing spikes in traffic.
That is why, Spike Control is the right option

A company requires Mule applications deployed to CloudHub to be isolated between nonproduction
and production environments. This is so Mule applications deployed to nonproduction
environments can only access backend systems running in their customerhosted
non-production environment, and so Mule applications deployed to production
environments can only access backend systems running in their customer-hosted
production environment. How does MuleSoft recommend modifying Mule applications,
configuring environments, or changing infrastructure to support this type of perenvironment
isolation between Mule applications and backend systems?


Modify properties of Mule applications deployed to the production Anypoint Platform
environments to prevent access from non-production Mule applications


Configure firewall rules in the infrastructure inside each customer-hosted environment so
that only IP addresses from the corresponding Anypoint Platform environments are allowed
to communicate with corresponding backend systems


Create non-production and production environments in different Anypoint Platform
business groups


Create separate Anypoint VPCs for non-production and production environments, then configure connections to the backend systems in the corresponding customer-hosted


Create separate Anypoint VPCs for non-production and production environments, then configure connections to the backend systems in the corresponding customer-hosted

Explanation: Explanation
Correct Answer: Create separate Anypoint VPCs for non-production and production
environments, then configure connections to the backend systems in the corresponding
customer-hosted environments.
>> Creating different Business Groups does NOT make any difference w.r.t accessing the
non-prod and prod customer-hosted environments. Still they will be accessing from both
Business Groups unless process network restrictions are put in place.
>> We need to modify or couple the Mule Application Implementations with the
environment. In fact, we should never implements application coupled with environments
by binding them in the properties. Only basic things like endpoint URL etc should be
bundled in properties but not environment level access restrictions.
>> IP addresses on CloudHub are dynamic until unless a special static addresses are
assigned. So it is not possible to setup firewall rules in customer-hosted infrastrcture. More
over, even if static IP addresses are assigned, there could be 100s of applications running
on cloudhub and setting up rules for all of them would be a hectic task, non-maintainable
and definitely got a good practice.
>> The best practice recommended by Mulesoft (In fact any cloud provider), is to have
your Anypoint VPCs seperated for Prod and Non-Prod and perform the VPC peering or
VPN tunneling for these Anypoint VPCs to respective Prod and Non-Prod customer-hosted
environment networks.
Bottom of Form
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What correctly characterizes unit tests of Mule applications?


They test the validity of input and output of source and target systems


They must be run in a unit testing environment with dedicated Mule runtimes for the environment


They must be triggered by an external client tool or event source


They are typically written using MUnit to run in an embedded Mule runtime that does not require external connectivity


They are typically written using MUnit to run in an embedded Mule runtime that does not require external connectivity

Explanation: Explanation
Correct Answer: They are typically written using MUnit to run in an embedded Mule runtime
that does not require external connectivity.
Below TWO are characteristics of Integration Tests but NOT unit tests:
>> They test the validity of input and output of source and target systems.
>> They must be triggered by an external client tool or event source.
It is NOT TRUE that Unit Tests must be run in a unit testing environment with dedicated
Mule runtimes for the environment.
MuleSoft offers MUnit for writing Unit Tests and they run in an embedded Mule Runtime
without needing any separate/ dedicated Runtimes to execute them. They also do NOT
need any external connectivity as MUnit supports mocking via stubs.

A company uses a hybrid Anypoint Platform deployment model that combines the EU
control plane with customer-hosted Mule runtimes. After successfully testing a Mule API
implementation in the Staging environment, the Mule API implementation is set with
environment-specific properties and must be promoted to the Production environment.
What is a way that MuleSoft recommends to configure the Mule API implementation and
automate its promotion to the Production environment?


Bundle properties files for each environment into the Mule API implementation's deployable
archive, then promote the Mule API implementation to the Production environment using
Anypoint CLI or the Anypoint Platform REST APIsB.


Modify the Mule API implementation's properties in the API Manager Properties tab, then
promote the Mule API implementation to the Production environment using API Manager


Modify the Mule API implementation's properties in Anypoint Exchange, then promote the
Mule API implementation to the Production environment using Runtime Manager


Use an API policy to change properties in the Mule API implementation deployed to the
Staging environment and another API policy to deploy the Mule API implementation to the
Production environment


Bundle properties files for each environment into the Mule API implementation's deployable
archive, then promote the Mule API implementation to the Production environment using
Anypoint CLI or the Anypoint Platform REST APIsB.

Explanation: Explanation
Correct Answer: Bundle properties files for each environment into the Mule API
implementation's deployable archive, then promote the Mule API implementation to the
Production environment using Anypoint CLI or the Anypoint Platform REST APIs
>> Anypoint Exchange is for asset discovery and documentation. It has got no provision to
modify the properties of Mule API implementations at all.
>> API Manager is for managing API instances, their contracts, policies and SLAs. It has
also got no provision to modify the properties of API implementations.
>> API policies are to address Non-functional requirements of APIs and has again got no
provision to modify the properties of API implementations.
So, the right way and recommended way to do this as part of development practice is to
bundle properties files for each environment into the Mule API implementation and just
point and refer to respective file per environment.

The responses to some HTTP requests can be cached depending on the HTTP verb used
in the request. According to the HTTP specification, for what HTTP verbs is this safe to do?











Page 6 out of 19 Pages