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MuleSoft MCIA-Level-1 Test Dumps

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Last Updated: 17-Feb-2025
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Question # 1

A system administrator needs to determine when permissions were last changed for an Anypoint Platform user.

Which Anypoint Platform component should the administrator use to obtain this information?
A. Audit Logging
B. Anypoint Monitoring
C. Anypiont Studio
D. Mule Stack Traces

  Audit Logging

Question # 2

A Mule application contains a Batch Job with two Batch Steps (Batch_Step_l and Batch_Step_2). A payload with 1000 records is received by the Batch Job.

How many threads are used by the Batch Job to process records, and how does each Batch Step process records within the Batch Job?
A. Each Batch Job uses SEVERAL THREADS for the Batch Steps Each Batch Step instance receives ONE record at a time as the payload, and RECORDS are processed IN PARALLEL within and between the two Batch Steps
B. Each Batch Job uses a SINGLE THREAD for all Batch steps Each Batch step instance receives ONE record at a time as the payload, and RECORDS are processed IN ORDER, first through Batch_Step_l and then through Batch_Step_2
C. Each Batch Job uses a SINGLE THREAD to process a configured block size of record Each Batch Step instance receives A BLOCK OF records as the payload, and BLOCKS of records are processed IN ORDER
D. Each Batch Job uses SEVERAL THREADS for the Batch Steps Each Batch Step instance receives ONE record at a time as the payload, and BATCH STEP INSTANCES execute IN PARALLEL to process records and Batch Steps in ANY order as fast as possible

  Each Batch Job uses SEVERAL THREADS for the Batch Steps Each Batch Step instance receives ONE record at a time as the payload, and RECORDS are processed IN PARALLEL within and between the two Batch Steps

Question # 3

An XA transaction Is being configured that involves a JMS connector listening for Incoming JMS messages. What is the meaning of the timeout attribute of the XA transaction, and what happens after the timeout expires?
A. The time that is allowed to pass between committing the transaction and the completion of the Mule flow After the timeout, flow processing triggers an error
B. The time that Is allowed to pass between receiving JMS messages on the same JMS connection After the timeout, a new JMS connection Is established
C. The time that Is allowed to pass without the transaction being ended explicitly After the timeout, the transaction Is forcefully rolled-back
D. The time that Is allowed to pass for state JMS consumer threads to be destroyed After the timeout, a new JMS consumer thread is created

  The time that Is allowed to pass without the transaction being ended explicitly After the timeout, the transaction Is forcefully rolled-back

Question # 4

When using Anypoint Platform across various lines of business with their own Anypoint Platform business groups, what configuration of Anypoint Platform is always performed at the organization level as opposed to at the business group level?
A. Environment setup
B. Identity management setup
C. Role and permission setup
D. Dedicated Load Balancer setup

  Identity management setup

Question # 5

An application deployed to a runtime fabric environment with two cluster replicas is designed to periodically trigger of flow for processing a high-volume set of records from the source system and synchronize with the SaaS system using the Batch job scope

After processing 1000 records in a periodic synchronization of 1 lakh records, the replicas in which batch job instance was started went down due to unexpected failure in the runtime fabric environment

What is the consequence of losing the replicas that run the Batch job instance?
A. The remaining 99000 records will be lost and left and processed
B. The second replicas will take over processing the remaining 99000 records
C. A new replacement replica will be available and will be process all 1,00,000 records from scratch leading to duplicate record processing
D. A new placement replica will be available and will take or processing the remaining 99,000 records

  A new placement replica will be available and will take or processing the remaining 99,000 records

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MuleSoft Certified Integration Architect - Level 1 Exam Dumps

Exam Code: MCIA-Level-1
Exam Name: MuleSoft Certified Integration Architect - Level 1

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Questions People Ask About MCIA-Level-1 Exam

MuleSoft architecture is a framework for integrating different systems and applications seamlessly. It's built on the concept of API-led connectivity, enabling businesses to connect data, applications, and devices across on-premises and cloud environments. MuleSoft's architecture simplifies complex integrations, making it easier for organizations to adapt to new technologies and changing business needs.

Dumps4free provides a MCIA-Level-1 practice exam designed to mirror the real exam's format and difficulty. You can find it on our website.

To pass the MCIA-Level-1 exam on your first try, start by thoroughly understanding MuleSoft's core concepts and API-led connectivity approach. Utilize official MuleSoft Architect training materials and participate in hands-on exercises to gain practical experience. Regularly test your knowledge with MCIA-Level-1 dumps to identify areas needing improvement.

MuleSoft certifications are highly valued in the IT industry, demonstrating your expertise in API-led integration. They open doors to exciting job roles, boost your credibility, and can lead to higher salaries. If integration technologies align with your career goals, a MuleSoft certification is a worthwhile investment.

The MCIA-Level-1 exam dives into your ability to approach complex integration problems. It might present business scenarios where you need to translate requirements into technical designs. These questions test your understanding of MuleSoft best practices, architectural patterns, and how to prioritize long-term scalability alongside functionality.

MuleSoft Platform Architect plays a pivotal role in designing and implementing solutions on the MuleSoft platform. Their job involves creating scalable and maintainable architectures, ensuring seamless integration of disparate systems, and developing APIs. They also guide best practices in system integration and API development.