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Microsoft MB-820 Test Dumps

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Last Updated: 17-Feb-2025
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Question # 1

A company has a task that is performed infrequently. Users often need to look up the procedure to complete the task.
The company requires a wizard that leads users through a sequence of steps to complete the task.
You need to create the page to enable the wizard creation.
Which page type should you use?
A. NavigatePage
B. Card
C. RoleCenter
D. List


Question # 2

You are developing an app.
You plan to publish the app to Microsoft AppSource.
You need to assign an object range for the app.
Which object range should you use?
A. custom object within the range 50000 to 59999
B. custom object within the range 50000 to 99999
C. divided by countries and use specific a country within the range 100000 to 999999
D. an object range within the range of 7000000 to 74999999 that is requested from Microsoft
E. free object within the standard range 1 to 49999

  an object range within the range of 7000000 to 74999999 that is requested from Microsoft

Question # 3

A company plans to set up a local Business Central Development Docker container.
The environment will be used for testing new project ideas.
You need to ensure that the most recent Business Central artifact URL has been selected.
Which command should you use?
A. Get-BcArtifactUrl -type sandbox -select Current
B. Get-BcArtifactUrl -type sandbox -select Closest
C. Get-BcArtifactUrl -type sandbox -select NextMinor
D. Get-BcArtifactUrl -type sandbox -select NextMajor

  Get-BcArtifactUrl -type sandbox -select Current

Question # 4

A company uses Business Central.
The company plans to use a translation file in an extension. The extension has a caption that should not be translated.
You need to prevent the caption from being translated.
What should you do?
A. Use the CaptionML property and copy the same caption for each language used.
B. Set the GenerateLockedTranslations feature in the app.json file.
C. Add the Locked = true parameter to the Caption.
D. Delete the Caption property.
E. Copy the same caption for each language in the translation file.

  Add the Locked = true parameter to the Caption.

Question # 5

You are cleaning up sandbox environments for a company.
The company requires data to be cleared from the environments each time an extension is published.
You need to configure the launch.json file.
Which schemaUpdateMode property should you set?
A. ForceUpgrade
B. ForceSync
C. Synchronize
D. Recreate


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Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central Developer Exam Dumps

Exam Code: MB-820
Exam Name: Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central Developer

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Struggling with Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central Developer preparation? Get the edge you need! Our carefully created MB-820 test dumps give you the confidence to pass the exam. We offer:

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Microsoft Certified:Dynamics 365 Business Central Developer Associate Exams
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Questions People Ask About MB-820 Exam

MB-820 exam is the Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central Developer certification exam. It tests your ability to design, develop, test, and maintain solutions based on Dynamics 365 Business Central.

A Business Central Developer specializes in customizing and configuring Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central, a comprehensive business management solution. These developers tailor the platform to fit specific business needs through coding, implementing additional functionalities, and integrating third-party applications.

AL language is the primary programming language used for customizing and extending Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central. It's a modern language designed specifically for developing business applications on the Business Central platform.

A Dynamics 365 Developer requires a mix of technical and soft skills. Technically, proficiency in Microsoft development environments like .NET, C#, and Visual Studio is crucial. Knowledge of JavaScript for client-side scripting and familiarity with Power Platform for integrations and customizations are also important.