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Juniper JN0-664 Test Dumps

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Question # 1

Which two statements are correct regarding the PIM DR in a PIM-SM domain? (Choose two.)
A. The source DR sends PIM register messages from the source network to the RP.
B. If the DR priorities match, the router with the lowest IP address is selected as the DR.
C. The receiver DR sends PIM join and PIM prune messages from the receiver network toward the RP.
D. By default, PIM DR election is performed on point-to-point links.

  The source DR sends PIM register messages from the source network to the RP.

  The receiver DR sends PIM join and PIM prune messages from the receiver network toward the RP.

Question # 2

In IS-IS, which two statements are correct about the designated intermediate system (DIS) on a multi-access network segment? (Choose two)
A. A router with a priority of 10 wins the DIS election over a router with a priority of 1.
B. A router with a priority of 1 wins the DIS election over a router with a priority of 10.
C. On the multi-access network, each router forms an adjacency to every other router on the segment
D. On the multi-access network, each router only forms an adjacency to the DIS.

  A router with a priority of 10 wins the DIS election over a router with a priority of 1.

  On the multi-access network, each router only forms an adjacency to the DIS.

Question # 3

You are configuring anycast RP for load balancing and redundancy in your PIM-SM domain. You want to share active sources between RPs.

In this scenario, what are two solutions that will accomplish this task? (Choose two.)
A. Configure MSDP on each RP router.
B. Configure anycast PIM with the rp-set statement on each RP router.
C. Configure anycast PIM with the rp-set statement on each source DR router.
D. Configure MSDP on each source DR router.

  Configure MSDP on each RP router.

  Configure anycast PIM with the rp-set statement on each RP router.

Question # 4

In IS-IS, which two statements are correct about the designated intermediate system (DIS) on a multi-access network segment? (Choose two)
A. A router with a priority of 10 wins the DIS election over a router with a priority of 1.
B. A router with a priority of 1 wins the DIS election over a router with a priority of 10.
C. On the multi-access network, each router forms an adjacency to every other router on the segment
D. On the multi-access network, each router only forms an adjacency to the DIS.

  A router with a priority of 10 wins the DIS election over a router with a priority of 1.

  On the multi-access network, each router only forms an adjacency to the DIS.

Question # 5

You are configuring a BGP signaled Layer 2 VPN across your MPLS enabled core network. Your PE-2 device connects to two sites within the s VPN
In this scenario, which statement is correct?
A. By default on PE-2, the site's local ID is automatically assigned a value of 0 and must be configured to match the total number of attached sites.
B. You must create a unique Layer 2 VPN routing instance for each site on the PE-2 device.
C. You must use separate physical interfaces to connect PE-2 to each site.
D. By default on PE-2, the remote site IDs are automatically assigned based on the order that you add the interfaces to the site configuration.

  By default on PE-2, the remote site IDs are automatically assigned based on the order that you add the interfaces to the site configuration.

Question # 6

You have an L2VPN connecting two CEs across a provider network. The CEs and provider network are configured with the default MTU setting. You use the ping command from one

CE to the other CE with a size of 1500 bytes.

In this scenario, which statement is correct when using the ping command?
A. You expect the ping results to be fragmented.
B. You expect a silent discard.
C. You expect an echo reply.
D. You expect an ICMP message too long error.

  You expect a silent discard.

Question # 7

You want to ensure that a single-area OSPF network will be loop free.

In this scenario, what are two requirements that satisfy this requirement? (Choose two.)
A. The DR/BDR ensures that each node within an area has the same information in their LSDBs.
B. The Shortest Path First algorithm must prune looped paths.
C. Nodes within an area must connect in a full mesh.
D. All nodes within an area must have the same information in their LSDBs.

  The Shortest Path First algorithm must prune looped paths.

  All nodes within an area must have the same information in their LSDBs.

Question # 8

What is the correct order of packet flow through configurable components in the Junos OS CoS features?
A. Multifield Classifier -> Behavior Aggregate Classifier -> Input Policer -> Forwarding Policy Options -> Fabric Scheduler -> Output Policer -> Rewrite Marker -> Scheduler/Shaper/RED
B. Behavior Aggregate Classifier -> Multifield Classifier -> Input Policer -> Forwarding Policy Options -> Fabric Scheduler -> Output Policer -> Scheduler/Shaper/RED -> Rewrite Marker
C. Behavior Aggregate Classifier -> Input Policer -> Multifield Classifier -> Forwarding Policy Options -> Fabric Scheduler -> Output Policer -> Scheduler/Shaper/RED -> Rewrite Marker
D. Behavior Aggregate Classifier -> Multifield Classifier -> Input Policer -> Forwarding Policy Options -> Fabric Scheduler -> Scheduler/Shaper/RED -> Output Policer -> Rewrite Marker

  Behavior Aggregate Classifier -> Input Policer -> Multifield Classifier -> Forwarding Policy Options -> Fabric Scheduler -> Output Policer -> Scheduler/Shaper/RED -> Rewrite Marker

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Service Provider Professional (JNCIP-SP) Exam Dumps

Exam Code: JN0-664
Exam Name: Service Provider Professional (JNCIP-SP)

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