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Juniper JN0-637 Test Dumps

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Last Updated: 17-Feb-2025
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Question # 1

You are asked to select a product offered by Juniper Networks that can collect and assimilate data from all probes and determine the optimal links for different applications to maximize the full potential of AppQoE.
Which product provides this capability?
A. Security Director
B. Network Director
C. Mist
D. Security Director Insights


Question # 2

You are deploying OSPF over IPsec with an SRX Series device and third-party device using GRE.
Which two statements are correct? (Choose two.)
A. The GRE interface should use lo0 as endpoints.
B. The OSPF protocol must be enabled under the VPN zone.
C. Overlapping addresses are allowed between remote networks.
D. The GRE interface must be configured under the OSPF protocol.

  The GRE interface should use lo0 as endpoints.

  The GRE interface must be configured under the OSPF protocol.

Question # 3

How does an SRX Series device examine exception traffic?
A. The device examines the host-inbound traffic for the ingress interface and zone.
B. The device examines the host-outbound traffic for the ingress interface and zone.
C. The device examines the host-inbound traffic for the egress interface and zone.
D. The device examines the host-outbound traffic for the egress interface and zone.

  The device examines the host-inbound traffic for the ingress interface and zone.

Question # 4

You are asked to see if your persistent NAT binding table is exhausted.
Which show command would you use to accomplish this task?
A. show security nat source persistent-nat-table summary
B. show security nat source summary
C. show security nat source pool all
D. show security nat source persistent-nat-table all

  show security nat source persistent-nat-table all

Question # 5

You want to bypass IDP for traffic destined to social media sites using APBR, but it is not working and IDP is dropping the session.
What are two reasons for this problem? (Choose two.)
A. The session did not properly reclassify midstream to the correct APBR rule.
B. IDP disable is not configured on the APBR rule.
C. The application services bypass is not configured on the APBR rule.
D. The APBR rule does a match on the first packet.

  The session did not properly reclassify midstream to the correct APBR rule.

  The application services bypass is not configured on the APBR rule.

Question # 6

Which two statements are true about the procedures the Junos security device uses when handling traffic destined for the device itself? (Choose two.)
A. If the received packet is addressed to the ingress interface, then the device first performs a security policy evaluation for the junos-host zone.
B. If the received packet is destined for an interface other than the ingress interface, then the device performs a security policy evaluation for the junos-host zone.
C. If the received packet is addressed to the ingress interface, then the device first examines the host-inbound-traffic configuration for the ingress interface and zone.
D. If the received packet is destined for an interface other than the ingress interface, then the device performs a security policy evaluation based on the ingress and egress zone.

  If the received packet is destined for an interface other than the ingress interface, then the device performs a security policy evaluation for the junos-host zone.

  If the received packet is addressed to the ingress interface, then the device first examines the host-inbound-traffic configuration for the ingress interface and zone.

Question # 7

A customer wants to be able to initiate a return connection to an internal host from a specific Server.
Which NAT feature would you use in this scenario?
A. target-host
B. any-remote-host
C. port-overloading
D. target-server


Question # 8

You need to generate a certificate for a PKI-based site-to-site VPN. The peer is expecting to user your domain name
Which two configuration elements are required when you generate your certificate request? (Chose two,)
A. ip-address
B. subject
C. email
D. domain-name



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Security, Professional (JNCIP-SEC) Exam Dumps

Exam Code: JN0-637
Exam Name: Security, Professional (JNCIP-SEC)

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