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Juniper JN0-363 Test Dumps

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Question # 1

Which statement is true about the BGP active state?
A. The BGP active state is the initial state where all BGP traffic is refused.
B. The BGP active state is when BGP attempts to acquire a peer by initiating a TCP connection.
C. The BGP active state is when BGP waits for the TCP connection to be established.
D. The BGP active state is when BGP exchanges update, notification, and keepalive messages with its peer.

  The BGP active state is when BGP attempts to acquire a peer by initiating a TCP connection.

Question # 2

You are implementing traffic engineering in your MPLS network. You must ensure that the MPLS routes are used to traverse your network. Your solution should not affect IGP routes in your route tables. In this scenario, which traffic engineering setting will accomplish this behavior?
A. bgp-igp-both-ribs
B. mpls-forwarding
C. bgp-igp
D. bgp


Question # 3

Which two statements are correct about BGP? (Choose two.)
A. IBGP neighbors must use the same AS number.
B. By default, the TTL on product-related packets for external neighbors is set to 1.
C. EBGP neighbors must use the same AS number.
D. By default, the TTL on protocol-related packets for internal neighbors is set to 1.

  IBGP neighbors must use the same AS number.

  By default, the TTL on product-related packets for external neighbors is set to 1.

Question # 4

Which BGP attribute is used to detect routing loops?
A. AS path
C. local preference
D. next hop

  AS path

Question # 5

What is the correct order of BGP attributes for active route selection?
A. next hop –> local preference –> AS path –> MED –> origin
B. next hop –> local preference –> AS path –> origin –> MED
C. next hop –> origin –> local preference –> AS path –> MED
D. next hop –> AS path –> local preference –> origin –> MED

  next hop –> local preference –> AS path –> origin –> MED

Question # 6

Which two statements are correct about the way that BGP propagates routes by default? (Choose two.)
A. A route learned by EBGP will be re-advertised to IBGP peers.
B. A route learned by IBGP will not be re-advertised lo IBGP peers.
C. A route learned by EBGP will not be re-advertised to IBGP peers.
D. A route learned by IBGP will be re-advertised to IBGP peers.

  A route learned by EBGP will not be re-advertised to IBGP peers.

  A route learned by IBGP will be re-advertised to IBGP peers.

Question # 7

You are asked to create connections between routing instances on the same Junos device and route between the connected Instances. What are two ways to accomplish this task? (Choose two.)
A. Use physical interfaces.
B. Use an IRB interface.
C. Use logical tunnel interfaces.
D. Use loopback interfaces.

  Use logical tunnel interfaces.

  Use loopback interfaces.

Question # 8

Which LSA type does an OSPF ABR use to advertise external routes generated by an NSSAASBR into the backbone?
A. Type 5
B. Type 7
C. Type 3
D. Type 1

  Type 7

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Service Provider Routing and Switching, Specialist (JNCIS-SP) Exam Dumps

Exam Code: JN0-363
Exam Name: Service Provider Routing and Switching, Specialist (JNCIS-SP)

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