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Salesforce FSL-201 Test Dumps

Total Questions Answers: 105
Last Updated: 17-Feb-2025
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Question # 1

Universal Containers would like to enforce a 48-hour SLA to ensure that Technicians perform certain
follow-up activities after they leave a customer site. The starting point of the SLA is when the Work Order
Status is set to “Technician Wrap Up.” The Technician is required to provide confirmation that wrap up is
completed. Which three configurations should a Consultant implement to ensure this can be achieved? Choose
3 answers


Create an Entitlement Process which has entry criteria for Status = Technician Wrap Up.


Create a Milestone which has entry criteria for Status = Technician Wrap Up.


Create custom fields to capture that the Wrap UP Activities have been completed.


Create a Workflow to close the Milestone when the Wrap Up is complete.


Create a Process Builder to close the Milestone when the Wrap Up is complete.


Create a Milestone which has entry criteria for Status = Technician Wrap Up.


Create custom fields to capture that the Wrap UP Activities have been completed.


Create a Workflow to close the Milestone when the Wrap Up is complete.

Question # 2

Universal Containers wants their Technicians to be allowed to reschedule a visit for the same work within the
Field Service mobile application. What approach should a Consultant recommend?


Create a Quick Action that will create a new Service Appointment record.


Create a Visualforce page that will create a new Work Order record.


Create a Quick Action that will create a new Work Order record.


Create a Visualforce page that will create a new Service Appointment record.


Create a Quick Action that will create a new Service Appointment record.

Question # 3

Universal Containers’ (UC) customers have asset scheduled to be moved between locations by field personnel UC wants to implement a standard process focused on asset traceability. Which two object should a Consultant
recommend to meet this requirement? Choose 2 answers


Work Orders






Service Appointments


Work Orders



Question # 4

Universal Containers typically performs installs, break-fix, and inspections for all clients. The Service
Manager wants to create a template for common work requests. What should a Consultant implement to assist
the dispatch team?


Work Order Record Types for Break-fix, Install, and Inspection.


Work Type Line Items for Install, Break-fix, and Inspections.


Work Types and Skill Requirements for Install, Break-fix, and Inspections.


Work Order custom fields to define Install, Break-fix, and Inspections.


Work Types and Skill Requirements for Install, Break-fix, and Inspections.

Question # 5

Universal Containers wants to automatically create Work order Line Items based on the products being
serviced. How can this be achieved?


With Entitlement Templates


With Workflows


With Process Builder


With Work Order Types.


With Process Builder

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Salesforce - Implementing Field Service Lightning Exam Dumps

Exam Code: FSL-201
Exam Name: Salesforce - Implementing Field Service Lightning

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