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Fortinet FCSS_SASE_AD-23 Exam Dumps

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Last Updated: 28-Mar-2025
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Question # 1

Which role does FortiSASE play in supporting zero trust network access (ZTNA) principles9
A. It offers hardware-based firewalls for network segmentation.
B. It integrateswith software-defined network (SDN) solutions.
C. It can identify attributes on the endpoint for security posture check.
D. It enables VPN connections for remote employees.

  It can identify attributes on the endpoint for security posture check.

Question # 2

A FortiSASE administrator is trying to configure FortiSASE as a spoke to a FortiGate hub.
The tunnel is up to the FortiGale hub. However, the administrator is not able to ping the webserver hosted behind the FortiGate hub.
Based on the output, what is the reason for the ping failures?
A. The Secure Private Access (SPA) policy needs to allow PING service.
B. Quick mode selectors are restricting the subnet.
C. The BGP route is not received.
D. Network address translation (NAT) is not enabled on the spoke-to-hub policy.

  Quick mode selectors are restricting the subnet.

Question # 3

To allow access, which web tiller configuration must you change on FortiSASE?
A. FortiGuard category-based filter
B. content filter
C. URL Filter
D. inline cloud access security broker (CASB) headers

  URL Filter

Question # 4

A FortiSASE administrator is trying to configure FortiSASE as a spoke to a FortiGate hub.
The VPN tunnel does not establish Based on the provided configuration, what configuration needs to be modified to bring the tunnel up?
A. NAT needs to be enabled in the Spoke-to-Hub firewall policy.
B. The BGP router ID needs to match on the hub and FortiSASE.
C. FortiSASE spoke devices do not support mode config.
D. The hub needs IKEv2 enabled in the IPsec phase 1 settings.

  FortiSASE spoke devices do not support mode config.

Question # 5

A FortiSASE administrator has configured an antivirus profile in the security profile group and applied it to the internet access policy. Remote users are still able to download the file from Traffic logs show traffic is allowed by the policy.
Which configuration on FortiSASE is allowing users to perform the download?
A. Web filter is allowing the traffic.
B. IPS is disabled in the security profile group.
C. The HTTPS protocol is not enabled in the antivirus profile.
D. Force certificate inspection is enabled in the policy.

  Web filter is allowing the traffic.

Explanation: Based on the provided exhibits and the configuration details, the reason why users are still able to download the file despite having an antivirus profile applied is due to the Web Filter allowing the traffic. Here is the step-by-step detailed explanation:
Web Filtering Logs Analysis:
Security Profile Group Configuration:
Antivirus Profile Configuration:
Policy Configuration:

Question # 6

When remote users connected to FortiSASE require access to internal resources on Branch-2. how will traffic be routed?
A. FortiSASE will use the SD-WAN capability and determine that traffic will be directed to HUB-2. which will then route traffic to Branch-2.
B. FortiSASE will use the AD VPN protocol and determine that traffic will be directed to Branch-2 directly, using a static route
C. FortiSASE will use the SD-WAN capability and determine that traffic will be directed to HUB-1, which will then route traffic to Branch-2.
D. FortiSASE will use the AD VPN protocol and determine that traffic will be directed to Branch-2 directly, using a dynamic route

  FortiSASE will use the SD-WAN capability and determine that traffic will be directed to HUB-1, which will then route traffic to Branch-2.

Question # 7

An organization wants to block all video and audio application traffic but grant access to videos from CNN Which application override action must you configure in the Application Control with Inline-CASB?
A. Allow
B. Pass
C. Permit
D. Exempt


Question # 8

When you configure FortiSASE Secure Private Access (SPA) with SD-WAN integration, you must establish a routing adjacency between FortiSASE and the FortiGate SD-WAN hub. Which routing protocol must you use?


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FCSS FortiSASE 23 Administrator Test Dumps

Exam Code: FCSS_SASE_AD-23
Exam Name: FCSS FortiSASE 23 Administrator

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