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Fortinet FCSS_SASE_AD-23 Test Dumps

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Check Our Recently Added FCSS_SASE_AD-23 Practice Exam Questions

Question # 1

When viewing the daily summary report generated by FortiSASE. the administrator notices that the report contains very little data. What is a possible explanation for this almost empty report?
A. Digital experience monitoring is not configured.
B. Log allowed traffic is set to Security Events for all policies.
C. The web filter security profile is not set to Monitor
D. There are no security profile group applied to all policies.

  Log allowed traffic is set to Security Events for all policies.

If the daily summary report generated by FortiSASE contains very little data, one possible explanation is that the "Log allowed traffic" setting is configured to log only "Security Events" for all policies. This configuration limits the amount of data logged, as it only includes security events and excludes normal allowed traffic.

Log Allowed Traffic Setting:

The "Log allowed traffic" setting determines which types of traffic are logged.

When set to "Security Events," only traffic that triggers a security event (such as a threat detection or policy violation) is logged.

Impact on Report Data:

If the log setting excludes regular allowed traffic, the amount of data captured and reported is significantly reduced.

This results in reports with minimal data, as only security-related events are included.


FortiOS 7.2 Administration Guide: Provides details on configuring logging settings for traffic policies.

FortiSASE 23.2 Documentation: Explains the impact of logging configurations on report generation and data visibility.

Question # 2

When deploying FortiSASE agent-based clients, which three features are available compared to an agentless solution? (Choose three.)
A. Vulnerability scan
B. SSL inspection
C. Anti-ransomware protection
D. Web filter
E. ZTNA tags

  Vulnerability scan

  SSL inspection

  Web filter

When deploying FortiSASE agent-based clients, several features are available that are not typically available with an agentless solution. These features enhance the security and management capabilities for endpoints.

Vulnerability Scan:

Agent-based clients can perform vulnerability scans on endpoints to identify and remediate security weaknesses.

This proactive approach helps to ensure that endpoints are secure and compliant with security policies.

SSL Inspection:

Agent-based clients can perform SSL inspection to decrypt and inspect encrypted traffic for threats.

This feature is critical for detecting malicious activities hidden within SSL/TLS encrypted traffic.

Web Filter:

Web filtering is a key feature available with agent-based clients, allowing administrators to control and monitor web access.

This feature helps enforce acceptable use policies and protect users from web-based threats.


FortiOS 7.2 Administration Guide: Explains the features and benefits of deploying agent-based clients.

FortiSASE 23.2 Documentation: Details the differences between agent-based and agentless solutions and the additional features provided by agent-based deployments.

Question # 3

An organization needs to resolve internal hostnames using its internal rather than public DNS servers for remotely connected endpoints. Which two components must be configured on FortiSASE to achieve this? (Choose two.)
A. SSL deep inspection
B. Split DNS rules
C. Split tunnelling destinations
D. DNS filter

  Split DNS rules

  Split tunnelling destinations

To resolve internal hostnames using internal DNS servers for remotely connected endpoints, the following two components must be configured on FortiSASE:

Split DNS Rules:

Split DNS allows the configuration of specific DNS queries to be directed to internal DNS servers instead of public DNS servers.

This ensures that internal hostnames are resolved using the organization's internal DNS infrastructure, maintaining privacy and accuracy for internal network resources.

Split Tunneling Destinations:

Split tunneling allows specific traffic (such as DNS queries for internal domains) to be routed through the VPN tunnel while other traffic is sent directly to the internet.

By configuring split tunneling destinations, you can ensure that DNS queries for internal hostnames are directed through the VPN to the internal DNS servers.


FortiOS 7.2 Administration Guide: Provides details on configuring split DNS and split tunneling for VPN clients.

FortiSASE 23.2 Documentation: Explains the implementation and configuration of split DNS and split tunneling for securely resolving internal hostnames.

Question # 4

Which two additional components does FortiSASE use for application control to act as an inline-CASB? (Choose two.)
A. intrusion prevention system (IPS)
B. SSL deep inspection
C. DNS filter
D. Web filter with inline-CASB

  SSL deep inspection

  Web filter with inline-CASB

FortiSASE uses the following components for application control to act as an inline-CASB (Cloud Access Security Broker):

SSL Deep Inspection:

SSL deep inspection is essential for decrypting and inspecting HTTPS traffic to identify and control applications and data transfers within encrypted traffic.

This allows FortiSASE to enforce security policies on SSL/TLS encrypted traffic, providing visibility and control over cloud applications.

Web Filter with Inline-CASB:

The web filter component integrates with inline-CASB to monitor and control access to cloud applications based on predefined security policies.

This combination provides granular control over cloud application usage, ensuring compliance with security policies and preventing unauthorized data transfers.


FortiOS 7.2 Administration Guide: Details on SSL deep inspection and web filtering configurations.

FortiSASE 23.2 Documentation: Explains how FortiSASE acts as an inline-CASB using SSL deep inspection and web filtering.

Question # 5

A FortiSASE administrator is configuring a Secure Private Access (SPA) solution to share endpoint information with a corporate FortiGate. Which three configuration actions will achieve this solution? (Choose three.)
A. Add the FortiGate IP address in the secure private access configuration on FortiSASE.
B. Use the FortiClient EMS cloud connector on the corporate FortiGate to connect to FortiSASE
C. Register FortiGate and FortiSASE under the same FortiCloud account.
D. Authorize the corporate FortiGate on FortiSASE as a ZTNA access proxy.
E. Apply the FortiSASE zero trust network access (ZTNA) license on the corporate FortiGate.

  Add the FortiGate IP address in the secure private access configuration on FortiSASE.

  Use the FortiClient EMS cloud connector on the corporate FortiGate to connect to FortiSASE

  Register FortiGate and FortiSASE under the same FortiCloud account.

To configure a Secure Private Access (SPA) solution to share endpoint information between FortiSASE and a corporate FortiGate, you need to take the following steps:

Add the FortiGate IP address in the secure private access configuration on FortiSASE:

This step allows FortiSASE to recognize and establish a connection with the corporate FortiGate.

Use the FortiClient EMS cloud connector on the corporate FortiGate to connect to FortiSASE:

The EMS (Endpoint Management Server) cloud connector facilitates the integration between FortiClient endpoints and FortiSASE, enabling seamless sharing of endpoint information.

Register FortiGate and FortiSASE under the same FortiCloud account:

By registering both FortiGate and FortiSASE under the same FortiCloud account, you ensure centralized management and synchronization of configurations and policies.


FortiOS 7.2 Administration Guide: Provides details on configuring Secure Private Access and integrating with FortiGate.

FortiSASE 23.2 Documentation: Explains how to set up and manage connections between FortiSASE and corporate FortiGate.

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FCSS FortiSASE 23 Administrator Exam Dumps

Exam Code: FCSS_SASE_AD-23
Exam Name: FCSS FortiSASE 23 Administrator

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