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Fortinet FCP_FMG_AD-7.4 Exam Dumps

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Last Updated: 17-Mar-2025
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Question # 1

What percent of the available RAM is being used by the process in charge of downloading the web and email filter databases from the public FortiGuard servers?
A. 2.9
B. 3.1
C. 1.5
D. 4.1


Question # 2

An administrator enabled workspace mode and now wants to delete an address object that is currently referenced in a firewall policy. Which two results can the administrator expect? (Choose two.)
A. FortiManager will temporarily change the status of the referenced firewall policy to disabled.
B. FortiManager will disable the status of the address object until the changes are installed.
C. FortiManager will not allow the administrator to delete a referenced address object until they lock the ADOM.
D. FortiManager will replace the deleted address object with the none address object in the referenced firewall policy.

  FortiManager will not allow the administrator to delete a referenced address object until they lock the ADOM.

  FortiManager will replace the deleted address object with the none address object in the referenced firewall policy.

Question # 3

An administrator has created a firewall address object that is used in multiple policy packages for multiple FortiGate devices in an ADOM.
After the installation operation is performed, which IP/netmask is shown on FortiManager for this firewall address object for devices without a Per-Device Mapping set?
A. FortiManager generates an error for each FortiGate without a per-device mapping defined for that object.
D. FortiManager replaces the address object to none.


Question # 4

Given the configuration shown in the exhibit, which two statements are true? (Choose two.)
A. An administrator can also lock the Local-FortiGate_root policy package.
B. FortiManager is in workflow mode.
C. The FortiManager ADOM is locked by the administrator.
D. The FortiManager ADOM workspace mode is set to Normal

  FortiManager is in workflow mode.

  The FortiManager ADOM is locked by the administrator.

Question # 5

An administrator is about to add the FortiGate device to FortiManager using the discovery process.
FortiManager is operating behind a NAT device, and the administrator configured the FortiManager NATed IP address under the FortiManager system administration settings.
What is the expected result?
A. During discovery. FortiManager uses only the FortiGate serial number to establish the connection.
B. During discovery, FortiManager sets both the FortiManager NATed IP address and NAT device IP address on FortiGate.
C. During discovery. FortiManager sets the NATed device IP address on FortiGate.
D. During discovery, FortiManager sets the FortiManager NATed IP address on FortiGate.

  During discovery, FortiManager sets the FortiManager NATed IP address on FortiGate.

Question # 6

A junior administrator is troubleshooting a FortiManager connectivity issue that is occurring with a managed FortiGate device.
Given the FortiManager device manager settings shown in the exhibit, what can you conclude from this scenario?
A. The administrator must refresh the device to restore connectivity.
B. FortiManager lost internet connectivity, therefore, the device appears to be down.
C. The administrator can reclaim the FortiGate to FortiManager protocol (FGFM) tunnel to get the device online.
D. The administrator recently restored a FortiManager configuration file.

  The administrator can reclaim the FortiGate to FortiManager protocol (FGFM) tunnel to get the device online.

Question # 7

An administrator has assigned a global policy package to custom ADOM1. Then the administrator creates a new policy package. Fortinet. in the custom ADOM1. What happens to the Fortinet policy package when it is created?
A. You must assign the global policy package from the global ADOM.
B. The global policy package is automatically assigned.
C. You must reapply the global policy package to ADOM1.
D. You can select the option to assign the global policies.

  The global policy package is automatically assigned.

Question # 8

Given the configuration shown in the exhibit, what are two results from this configuration? {Choose two.)
A. You can validate administrator login attempts through external servers.
B. The same administrator can lock more than one ADOM at the same time.
C. Two or more administrators can make configuration changes at the same time, in the same ADOM.
D. Concurrent read-write access to an ADOM is disabled.

  The same administrator can lock more than one ADOM at the same time.

  Concurrent read-write access to an ADOM is disabled.

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FCP - FortiManager 7.4 Administrator Test Dumps

Exam Code: FCP_FMG_AD-7.4
Exam Name: FCP - FortiManager 7.4 Administrator

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