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Question # 1

Which log will generate an event with the status Unhandled?
A. An AV log with action=quarantine.
B. An IPS log with action=pass.
C. A WebFilter log will action=dropped.
D. An AppControl log with action=blocked.

  An IPS log with action=pass.

Explanation: In FortiOS 7.4.1 and FortiAnalyzer 7.4.1, the "Unhandled" status in logs typically signifies that the FortiGate encountered a security event but did not take any specific action to block or alter it. This usually occurs in the context of Intrusion Prevention System (IPS) logs.
IPS logs with action=pass: When the IPS engine inspects traffic and determines that it does not match any known attack signatures or violate any configured policies, it assigns the action "pass". Since no action is taken to block or modify this traffic, the status is logged as "Unhandled."
Let's look at why the other options are incorrect:
An AV log with action=quarantine: Antivirus (AV) logs with the action "quarantine" indicate that a file was detected as malicious and moved to quarantine. This is a definitive action, so the status wouldn't be "Unhandled."
A WebFilter log will action=dropped: WebFilter logs with the action "dropped" indicate that web traffic was blocked according to the configured web filtering policies. Again, this is a specific action taken, not an "Unhandled" event.
An AppControl log with action=blocked: Application Control logs with the action "blocked" mean that an application was denied access based on the defined application control rules. This is also a clear action, not "Unhandled."

Question # 2


Assume these are all the events that exist on the FortiAnalyzer device.
How many events will be added to the incident created after running this playbook?
A. Eleven events will be added.
B. Seven events will be added
C. No events will be added.
D. Four events will be added.

  Four events will be added.

Question # 3

What are two effects of enabling auto-cache in a FortiAnalyzer report? (Choose two.)
A. The generation time for reports is decreased.
B. When new logs are received, the hard-cache data is updated automatically.
C. FortiAnalyzer local cache is used to store generated reports.
D. The size of newly generated reports is optimized to conserve disk space.

  The generation time for reports is decreased.

  FortiAnalyzer local cache is used to store generated reports.

Question # 4

When managing incidents on FortiAnlyzer, what must an analyst be aware of?
A. You can manually attach generated reports to incidents.
B. The status of the incident is always linked to the status of the attach event.
C. Severity incidents rated with the level High have an initial service-level agreement (SLA) response time of 1 hour.
D. Incidents must be acknowledged before they can be analyzed.

  You can manually attach generated reports to incidents.

Explanation: In FortiAnalyzer's incident management system, analysts have the option to manually manage incidents, which includes attaching relevant reports to an incident for further investigation and documentation. This feature allows analysts to consolidate information, such as detailed reports on suspicious activity, into an incident record, providing a comprehensive view for incident response.
Let's review the other options to clarify why they are incorrect:
Option A: You can manually attach generated reports to incidents Option B: The status of the incident is always linked to the status of the attached event
Option C: Severity incidents rated with the level High have an initial service-level agreement (SLA) response time of 1 hour
Option D: Incidents must be acknowledged before they can be analyzed
References: According to FortiAnalyzer documentation, analysts can attach reports to incidents manually, making option A correct. This feature enables better tracking and documentation within the incident management system on FortiAnalyzer.

Question # 5

Which two statements about exporting and importing playbacks are true? (Choose two.)
A. A playbook that was disabled when it was exported mil be disabled when it is imported.
B. Playbooks can so imported 10 a different FortiAnayzer device, but only if the connectors already exist
C. You can import a playbook even if there is another one win the same name in the destination
D. You can export only one playbook at a time.

  You can import a playbook even if there is another one win the same name in the destination

  You can export only one playbook at a time.

Question # 6

You need to move reports between two ADOMs.<br>
Which two statements are true? (Choose two.)
A. The ADOMs must be compatible types.
B. The data and time will be appointed to the original report name to avoid conflicts.
C. All charts and datasets associated with the report will be imported together.
D. You need to convert the reports into templates first.

  The ADOMs must be compatible types.

  All charts and datasets associated with the report will be imported together.

Question # 7

Refer to Exhibit:

Client-1 is trying to access the internet for web browsing.
All FortiGate devices in the topology are part of a Security Fabric with logging to FortiAnalyzer configured. All firewall policies have logging enabled. All web filter profiles are configured to log only violations.
Which statement about the logging behavior for this specific traffic flow is true?
A. Only FGT-B will create traffic logs.
B. FGT-B will see the MAC address of FGT-A as the destination and notifies FGT-A to log this flow.
C. FGT B will create traffic logs and will create web filter logs if it detects a violation.
D. Only FGT-A will create web filter logs if it detects a violation.

  FGT B will create traffic logs and will create web filter logs if it detects a violation.

Question # 8


What can you conclude about the output?
A. The message rate being lower that the log rate is normal.
B. Both messages and logs are almost finished indexing.
C. There are more traffic logs than event logs.
D. The output is ADOM specific

  The message rate being lower that the log rate is normal.

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FCP - FortiAnalyzer 7.4 Analyst Test Dumps

Exam Code: FCP_FAZ_AN-7.4
Exam Name: FCP - FortiAnalyzer 7.4 Analyst

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