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Fortinet FCP_FAZ_AD-7.4 Exam Dumps

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Question # 1

What are two benefits of using fabric connectors? (Choose two.)
A. They allow FortiAnalyzer to send logs in real-time to public cloud accounts.
B. You do not need an additional license to send logs to the cloud platform.
C. Fabric connectors allow you to improve redundancy.
D. Using fabric connectors is more efficient than using third-party polling with API.

  They allow FortiAnalyzer to send logs in real-time to public cloud accounts.

  Fabric connectors allow you to improve redundancy.

Question # 2

Which log type does the FortiAnalyzer indicators of compromise feature use to identify infected hosts?
A. Antivirus logs
B. Web filter logs
C. IPS logs
D. Application control logs

  Web filter logs

Question # 3

Refer to the exhibit.

Based on the partial outputs displayed, which devices can be members of a FortiAnalyzer Fabric?
A. FortiAnalyzer1 and FortiAnalyzer3
B. All devices listed can be members.
C. FortiAnalyzer1 and FortiAnalyzer2
D. FortiAnalyzer2 and FortiAnalyzer3

  FortiAnalyzer1 and FortiAnalyzer2

Explanation: Based on the partial configuration output, the primary factor for determining which devices can be members of a FortiAnalyzer Fabric is the log-mode setting. Devices with the same log mode can be part of the same FortiAnalyzer Fabric.
FortiAnalyzer1: Log mode is set to collector.
FortiAnalyzer2: Log mode is set to collector.
FortiAnalyzer3: Log mode is set to analyzer.
Devices with the same log mode can be part of the same fabric. Since FortiAnalyzer1 and FortiAnalyzer2 both have their log modes set to collector, they can be members of a FortiAnalyzer Fabric.
Therefore, the correct answer is FortiAnalyzer1 and FortiAnalyzer2.

Question # 4

Refer to the exhibit.

The image displays the configuration of a FortiAnalyzer the administrator wants to join to an existing HA cluster.
What can you conclude from the configuration displayed?
A. This FortiAnalyzer will join to the existing HA cluster as the primary.
B. This FortiAnalyzer is configured to receive logs in its port1.
C. This FortiAnalyzer will trigger a failover after losing communication with its peers for 10 seconds.
D. After joining to the cluster, this FortiAnalyzer will keep an updated log database.

  This FortiAnalyzer is configured to receive logs in its port1.

Question # 5

View the exhibit.

What does the data point at 14:35 tell you?
A. FortiAnalyzer is dropping logs.
B. FortiAnalyzer is indexing logs faster than logs are being received.
C. FortiAnalyzer has temporarily stopped receiving logs so older logs’ can be indexed.
D. The sqlplugind daemon is ahead in indexing by one log.

  FortiAnalyzer is indexing logs faster than logs are being received.

Question # 6

Which two statements are true regarding FortiAnalyzer operating modes? (Choose two.)
A. When in collector mode, FortiAnalyzer collects logs from multiple devices and forwards these logs in the original binary format.
B. Collector mode is the default operating mode.
C. When in collector mode. FortiAnalyzer supports event management and reporting features.
D. By deploying different FortiAnalyzer devices with collector and analyzer mode in a network, you can improve the overall performance of log receiving, analysis, and reporting

  When in collector mode, FortiAnalyzer collects logs from multiple devices and forwards these logs in the original binary format.

  By deploying different FortiAnalyzer devices with collector and analyzer mode in a network, you can improve the overall performance of log receiving, analysis, and reporting

Question # 7

Which two statements regarding FortiAnalyzer log forwarding modes are true? (Choose two.)
A. Both modes, forwarding and aggregation, support encryption of logs between devices.
B. In aggregation mode, you can forward logs to syslog and CEF servers.
C. Forwarding mode forwards logs in real time only to other FortiAnalyzer devices.
D. Aggregation mode stores logs and content files and uploads them to another FortiAnalyzer device at a scheduled time.

  Both modes, forwarding and aggregation, support encryption of logs between devices.

  Aggregation mode stores logs and content files and uploads them to another FortiAnalyzer device at a scheduled time.

Question # 8

What is the main purpose of using an NTP server on FortiAnalyzer and all of its registered devices?
A. Log correlation
B. Host name resolution
C. Log collection
D. Real-time forwarding

  Log correlation

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FCP - FortiAnalyzer 7.4 Administrator Test Dumps

Exam Code: FCP_FAZ_AD-7.4
Exam Name: FCP - FortiAnalyzer 7.4 Administrator

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