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Question # 1

Several of your co-workers are having a discussion over the etc/passwd file. They are at
odds over what types of encryption are used to secure Linux passwords.(Choose all that


Linux passwords can be encrypted with MD5


Linux passwords can be encrypted with SHA


Linux passwords can be encrypted with DES


Linux passwords can be encrypted with Blowfish


Linux passwords are encrypted with asymmetric algrothims


Linux passwords can be encrypted with MD5


Linux passwords can be encrypted with DES


Linux passwords can be encrypted with Blowfish

Linux passwords are enrcypted using MD5, DES, and the NEW addition
Blowfish. The default on most linux systems is dependant on the distribution, RedHat uses
MD5, while slackware uses DES. The blowfish option is there for those who wish to use it.
The encryption algorithm in use can be determined by authconfig on RedHat-based
systems, or by reviewing one of two locations, on PAM-based systems (Pluggable
Authentication Module) it can be found in /etc/pam.d/, the system-auth file or authconfig
files. In other systems it can be found in /etc/security/ directory.

Question # 2

How would you prevent session hijacking attacks?


Using biometrics access tokens secures sessions against hijacking


Using non-Internet protocols like http secures sessions against hijacking


Using hardware-based authentication secures sessions against hijacking


Using unpredictable sequence numbers secures sessions against hijacking


Using unpredictable sequence numbers secures sessions against hijacking

Protection of a session needs to focus on the unique session identifier
because it is the only thing that distinguishes users. If the session ID is compromised,
attackers can impersonate other users on the system. The first thing is to ensure that the
sequence of identification numbers issued by the session management system is
unpredictable; otherwise, it's trivial to hijack another user's session. Having a large number
of possible session IDs (meaning that they should be very long) means that there are a lot
more permutations for an attacker to try.

Question # 3

Henry is an attacker and wants to gain control of a system and use it to flood a target
system with requests, so as to prevent legitimate users from gaining access. What type of
attack is Henry using?


Henry is executing commands or viewing data outside the intended target path


Henry is using a denial of service attack which is a valid threat used by an attacker


Henry is taking advantage of an incorrect configuration that leads to access with higherthan-
expected privilege


Henry uses poorly designed input validation routines to create or alter commands to
gain access to unintended data or execute commands


Henry is using a denial of service attack which is a valid threat used by an attacker

Henry’s intention is to perform a DoS attack against his target, possibly a
DDoS attack. He uses systems other than his own to perform the attack in order to cover
the tracks back to him and to get more “punch” in the DoS attack if he uses multiple

Question # 4


Given the following extract from the snort log on a honeypot, what do you infer from the


A new port was opened


A new user id was created


The exploit was successful


The exploit was not successful


The exploit was not successful

The attacker submits a PASS to the honeypot and receives a login incorrect
before disconnecting.

Question # 5

Which of the following snort rules look for FTP root login attempts?


alert tcp -> any port 21 (msg:"user root";)


alert ftp -> ftp (content:"user password root";)


alert tcp any any -> any any 21 (content:"user root";)


alert tcp any any -> any any 21 (content:"user root";)

The snort rule header is built by defining action (alert), protocol (tcp), from IP
subnet port (any any), to IP subnet port (any any 21), Payload Detection Rule Options
(content:”user root”;)

Question # 6

Scanning for services is an easy job for Bob as there are so many tools available from the
Internet. In order for him to check the vulnerability of XYZ, he went through a few scanners
that are currently available. Here are the scanners that he uses:
1. Axent’s NetRecon (
2. SARA, by Advanced Research Organization (
3. VLAD the Scanner, by Razor (
However, there are many other alternative ways to make sure that the services that have
been scanned will be more accurate and detailed for Bob.
What would be the best method to accurately identify the services running on a victim


Using Cheops-ng to identify the devices of XYZ.


Using the manual method of telnet to each of the open ports of XYZ.


Using a vulnerability scanner to try to probe each port to verify or figure out which
service is running for XYZ.


Using the default port and OS to make a best guess of what services are running on
each port for XYZ.


Using the manual method of telnet to each of the open ports of XYZ.

Question # 7

You want to carry out session hijacking on a remote server. The server and the client are
communicating via TCP after a successful TCP three way handshake. The server has just
received packet #120 from the client. The client has a receive window of 200 and the
server has a receive window of 250.
Within what range of sequence numbers should a packet, sent by the client fall in order to
be accepted by the server?













Package number 120 have already been received by the server and the
window is 250 packets, so any package number from 121 (next in sequence) to 371 (121+250).

Question # 8

A buffer overflow occurs when a program or process tries to store more data in a buffer
(temporary data storage area) then it was intended to hold.
What is the most common cause of buffer overflow in software today?


Bad permissions on files


High bandwidth and large number of users.


Usage of non standard programming languages.


Bad quality assurance on software produced.


Bad quality assurance on software produced.

Technically, a buffer overflow is a problem with the program's internal

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Ethical Hacking and Countermeasures V8 Exam Dumps

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Exam Name: Ethical Hacking and Countermeasures V8

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