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Databricks Databricks-Machine-Learning-Associate Test Dumps

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Last Updated: 17-Feb-2025
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Question # 1

A data scientist has been given an incomplete notebook from the data engineering team. The notebook uses a Spark DataFrame spark_df on which the data scientist needs to perform further feature engineering. Unfortunately, the data scientist has not yet learned the PySpark DataFrame API. Which of the following blocks of code can the data scientist run to be able to use the pandas API on Spark?
A. import pyspark.pandas as ps
df = ps.DataFrame(spark_df)
B. import pyspark.pandas as ps
df = ps.to_pandas(spark_df)
C. spark_df.to_sql()
D. import pandas as pd
df = pd.DataFrame(spark_df)
E. spark_df.to_pandas()

  import pyspark.pandas as ps
df = ps.DataFrame(spark_df)

Question # 2

Which of the following statements describes a Spark ML estimator?
A. An estimator is a hyperparameter grid that can be used to train a model
B. An estimator chains multiple algorithms together to specify an ML workflow
C. An estimator is a trained ML model which turns a DataFrame with features into a DataFrame with predictions
D. An estimator is an algorithm which can be fit on a DataFrame to produce a Transformer
E. An estimator is an evaluation tool to assess to the quality of a model

  An estimator is an algorithm which can be fit on a DataFrame to produce a Transformer

Question # 3

Which of the following is a benefit of using vectorized pandas UDFs instead of standard PySpark UDFs?
A. The vectorized pandas UDFs allow for the use of type hints
B. The vectorized pandas UDFs process data in batches rather than one row at a time
C. The vectorized pandas UDFs allow for pandas API use inside of the function
D. The vectorized pandas UDFs work on distributed DataFrames
E. The vectorized pandas UDFs process data in memory rather than spilling to disk

  The vectorized pandas UDFs process data in batches rather than one row at a time

Question # 4

A machine learning engineer is trying to scale a machine learning pipeline by distributing its feature engineering process. Which of the following feature engineering tasks will be the least efficient to distribute?
A. One-hot encoding categorical features
B. Target encoding categorical features
C. Imputing missing feature values with the mean
D. Imputing missing feature values with the true median
E. Creating binary indicator features for missing values

  Imputing missing feature values with the true median

Question # 5

Which of the Spark operations can be used to randomly split a Spark DataFrame into a training DataFrame and a test DataFrame for downstream use?
A. TrainValidationSplit
B. DataFrame.where
C. CrossValidator
D. TrainValidationSplitModel
E. DataFrame.randomSplit


Question # 6

A data scientist has written a data cleaning notebook that utilizes the pandas library, but their colleague has suggested that they refactor their notebook to scale with big data. Which of the following approaches can the data scientist take to spend the least amount of time refactoring their notebook to scale with big data?
A. They can refactor their notebook to process the data in parallel.
B. They can refactor their notebook to use the PySpark DataFrame API.
C. They can refactor their notebook to use the Scala Dataset API.
D. They can refactor their notebook to use Spark SQL.
E. They can refactor their notebook to utilize the pandas API on Spark.

  They can refactor their notebook to utilize the pandas API on Spark.

Question # 7

Which of the following tools can be used to parallelize the hyperparameter tuning process for single-node machine learning models using a Spark cluster?
A. MLflow Experiment Tracking
B. Spark ML
C. Autoscaling clusters
D. Hyperopt
E. Delta Lake


Question # 8

A data scientist wants to parallelize the training of trees in a gradient boosted tree to speed up the training process. A colleague suggests that parallelizing a boosted tree algorithm can be difficult. Which of the following describes why?
A. Gradient boosting is not a linear algebra-based algorithm which is required for parallelization.
B. Gradient boosting requires access to all data at once which cannot happen during parallelization.
C. Gradient boosting calculates gradients in evaluation metrics using all cores which prevents parallelization.
D. Gradient boosting is an iterative algorithm that requires information from the previous iteration to perform the next step.
E. Gradient boosting uses decision trees in each iteration which cannot be parallelized.

  Gradient boosting is an iterative algorithm that requires information from the previous iteration to perform the next step.

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Databricks Certified Machine Learning Associate Exam Dumps

Exam Code: Databricks-Machine-Learning-Associate
Exam Name: Databricks Certified Machine Learning Associate

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