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CompTIA DS0-001 Test Dumps

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Question # 1

Which of the following NoSQL database typesbestcategorizes MongoDB?
A. Document
B. Column-oriented
C. Graph
D. Key-value stores


Explanation: The NoSQL database type that best categorizes MongoDB is document. Document databases are databases that store and manage data as documents, which are collections of fields and values in formats such as JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) or XML (Extensible Markup Language). Document databases do not use any schema or structure to organize data, but rather use identifiers or indexes to enable flexible and dynamic access to data based on fields or values. Document databases are suitable for storing large amounts of complex or unstructured data that have variable attributes or nested structures. MongoDB is an example of a document database that uses JSON-like documents to store and query data. The other options are either different types of NoSQL databases or not related to NoSQL databases at all. For example, column-oriented databases are databases that store and manage data as columns rather than rows; graph databases are databases that store and manage data as nodes and edges that represent entities and relationships; key-value stores are databases that store and manage data as pairs of keys and values.

Question # 2

Which of the following types of RAID, if configured with the same number and type of disks, would provide thebestwrite performance?
D. RAID 10

  RAID 10

Question # 3

Which of the following indexes stores records in a tabular format?
A. Columnstore
B. Non-clustered
C. Unique
D. Secondary


Explanation: The index that stores records in a tabular format is columnstore. A columnstore index is a type of index that stores and compresses data by columns rather than by rows. A columnstore index can improve the performance and efficiency of queries that perform aggregations, calculations, or analysis on large amounts of data, such as data warehouse or business intelligence applications. A column store index can also reduce the storage space required for data by applying various compression techniques, such as dictionary encoding, run-length encoding, bit packing, etc. The other options are either different types of indexes or not related to indexes at all. For example, a non-clustered index is a type of index that stores the values of one or more columns in a sorted order along with pointers to the corresponding rows in the table; a unique index is a type of index that enforces uniqueness on one or more columns in a table; a secondary index is an alternative term for a non-clustered index.

Question # 4

Which of the following is used to write SQL queries in various programming languages?
A. Indexing
B. Object-relational mapping
C. Excel
D. Normalization

  Object-relational mapping

Explanation: The option that is used to write SQL queries in various programming languages is object-relational mapping. Object-relational mapping (ORM) is a technique that maps objects in an object-oriented programming language (such as Java, Python, C#, etc.) to tables in a relational database (such as Oracle, MySQL, SQL Server, etc.). ORM allows users to write SQL queries in their preferred programming language without having to deal with the differences or complexities between the two paradigms. ORM also provides users with various benefits such as code reuse, abstraction, validation, etc. The other options are either not related or not effective for this purpose. For example, indexing is a technique that creates data structures that store the values of one or more columns of a table in a sorted order to speed up queries; Excelis a software application that allows users to organize and manipulate data in rows and columns; normalization is a process that organizes data into tables and columns to reduce redundancy and improve consistency.

Question # 5

A business analyst is using a client table and an invoice table to create a database view that shows clients who have not made purchases yet. Which of the following joins is most appropriate for the analyst to use to create this database view?
A. INNER JOIN ON Client.Key = Invoice.Key
B. RIGHT JOIN ON Client.Key = Invoice.Key WHERE BY Client.Key ISNOLL
C. LEFT JOIN ON Client.Key = Invoice.Key
D. LEFT JOIN ON Client.Key = Invoice.Key WHEREBY Invoice.Key ISNOLL

  LEFT JOIN ON Client.Key = Invoice.Key WHEREBY Invoice.Key ISNOLL

Explanation: The join that is most appropriate for the analyst to use to create this database view is option D. This join uses the LEFT JOIN clause to combine the client table and the invoice table based on the matching values in the Key column. The WHERE clause filters out the rows where the Invoice.Key column is not null, meaning that the client has made a purchase. The result is a view that shows only the clients who have not made any purchases yet. The other options either do not produce the desired result or have syntax errors. For example, option A would show only the clients who have made purchases, option B would show only the invoices that do not have a matching client, and option C would show all the clients regardless of their purchase status.

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CompTIA DataSys+ Certification Exam Exam Dumps

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