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CWNA CWNA-106 Test Dumps

Total Questions Answers: 138
Last Updated: 24-Feb-2025
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Question # 1

What item is essential for performing a manual RF site survey for a warehouse facility?


A facility map with an explanation of applications used in each area


I-Beam mounting kits for hanging temporary access points


Low-gain omni antennas for APs mounted high on warehouse ceilings


Predictive site survey software that supports highly directional antennas


NEMA enclosures that protect APs used for the survey


A facility map with an explanation of applications used in each area

Question # 2

Your consulting firm has recently been hired to complete a site survey for a company. Your
engineers use predictive modeling software for surveying, but the company insists on a predeployment
site visit.
What tasks should be performed as part of the pre-deployment visit to prepare for a predictive
survey? (Choose 2)


With a spectrum analyzer, identify the type, amplitude, and location of RF interference sources,
if any are present.


Evaluate the building materials at ABC’s facility and confirm that the floor plan documents are
consistent with the actual building.


Test several antenna types connected to the intended APs for use in the eventual deployment.


Collect information about the company’s security requirements and the current configuration of
their RADIUS and user database servers.


Install at least one AP on each side of the exterior walls to test for co-channel interference
through these walls.


With a spectrum analyzer, identify the type, amplitude, and location of RF interference sources,
if any are present.


Evaluate the building materials at ABC’s facility and confirm that the floor plan documents are
consistent with the actual building.

Question # 3

What advantages does using predictive site survey modeling software offer over performing a
manual site survey? (Choose 2)


Predictive modeling software can predict the ideal access point location 100% of the time,
whereas the results from manual surveying are less reliable.


Predictive modeling software makes it simple to assess multiple different AP locations and then
adjust and display the AP’s expected coverage pattern in almost real-time.


Predictive modeling software provides more reliable data than manual surveys when fine-tuning
and validating access point placement after the installation.


The exact impact of interference sources from external networks can be more accurately
measured when using predictive modeling software than with manual surveys.


It takes less time to create an initial site survey for a large facility when using predictive
modeling software than when performing a manual survey.


Predictive modeling software makes it simple to assess multiple different AP locations and then
adjust and display the AP’s expected coverage pattern in almost real-time.


It takes less time to create an initial site survey for a large facility when using predictive
modeling software than when performing a manual survey.

Question # 4

In addition to coverage analysis results, what should be included in a site survey report to ensure
WLAN users experience acceptable performance?


Application Layer protocol availability analysis results


Layer 4 protocol availability analysis results


Capacity analysis results


WAN interface analysis results


Capacity analysis results

Question # 5

You are being interviewed by ABC Company for employment as a wireless site survey expert. The
interviewing manager asks you what items should be included in a site survey report generated as
part of a manual site survey process.
What answer would be accurate? (Choose 2)


Itemized list of equipment, licenses, and support contracts required for the facility


RF heat map illustrating coverage and signal quality for each frequency band


Documentation proving proper entry of wall material types into the site survey software


Documentation noting where each access point will be placed and how it will be mounted


Documentation noting how each WLAN user group will authenticate to the network


RF heat map illustrating coverage and signal quality for each frequency band


Documentation noting where each access point will be placed and how it will be mounted

Question # 6

You are onsite with a client to perform a post-deployment site survey. When verifying a multiple
channel VoWiFi deployment using a VoWiFi handset, which aspect is most important?


Performing protocol analysis with a single wireless adapter that is scanning all channels in use


Testing a constant conversation or handset tone while roaming from area to area, or performing
an active survey


nfiguring DSCP-to-802.11e QoS maps on the handset for each access category.


Verifying the VHT functionality to handle the call volume incurred by a single VoIP phone call


Testing a constant conversation or handset tone while roaming from area to area, or performing
an active survey

Question # 7

A company has hired you to perform a pre-deployment site survey of their facility. During an
interview, the network manager informs you that the new wireless network must use 5 GHz bands  and OFDM, and VoWiFi handsets will be used extensively over the wireless network.
What items do you need to include in the RF site survey report? (Choose 2)


A heat map demonstrating signal quality in areas where VoWiFi is supported.


 Codec types and sampling rates for each VoWiFi phone


Security parameters and configuration steps for VoWiFi handsets.


Test results from an active survey with a VoWiFi handset


Results of OFDM versus ERP performance in each BSA


A heat map demonstrating signal quality in areas where VoWiFi is supported.


Test results from an active survey with a VoWiFi handset

Question # 8

You were previously onsite at XYZ’s facility to conduct a pre-deployment RF site survey. The
WLAN has been deployed according to your recommendations and you are onsite again to
perform a post-deployment validation survey.
When performing this type of post-deployment RF site survey for VoWiFi, what are two steps that
must be performed? (Choose 2)


Coverage analysis to verify appropriate coverage and roaming boundaries


Spectrum analysis to locate and identify RF interference sources


Frequency-band hopping analysis to detect improper RF channel implementations


Protocol analysis to discover channel use on neighboring APs


Application analysis with an active phone call on a VoWiFi handset


Coverage analysis to verify appropriate coverage and roaming boundaries


Application analysis with an active phone call on a VoWiFi handset

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Certified Wireless Network Administrator Exam Dumps

Exam Code: CWNA-106
Exam Name: Certified Wireless Network Administrator

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