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IBM C2090-623 Test Dumps

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Last Updated: 21-Jan-2025
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Question # 1

An administrator needs to ensure that users do not have to enter/select Database
credentials when running reports.
What must a datasource have in order to accomplish this?


No signon available to the users.


Only one signon available to the users through permissions.


At least one signon available to the users through permissions.


More than one signon available to the users through permissions.


At least one signon available to the users through permissions.

You add signons to data source connections so that users do not have to enter database
credentials when they run reports.

Question # 2

The following distributed environment has been configured:

The administrator wants to limit writes to the audit database connection from the Content
Manager server only.
What needs to be configured?


The Content Store configuration has to be set up on the application tiers servers.


In advanced settings, add the parameter RSVP.logging.databasecontrol with the value
<Content Manager Server>:<Port>.


An advanced routing has to be configured in Cognos Administration audit requests from
application tiers routed to Content Manager server.


On the Content Manager server configure the audit database, on the application tier
servers create a Remote log server configuration to the Content Manager log server.


An advanced routing has to be configured in Cognos Administration audit requests from
application tiers routed to Content Manager server.

If a request should be subject to Advanced Routing, then the client which send the request
is responsible for calling CM to evaluate Routing Rules and put the Server Group
Information into the request passed to a Dispatcher.

Question # 3

An administrator wants to start the LifeCycle Manager service.
How can this be done?


Open IBM Cognos Configuration and start the service.


Open Administrative tools, Services, and start the LCM service.


Use the lcm_start.bat command from a command prompt window.


Type the URL in a browser,


Use the lcm_start.bat command from a command prompt window.

Before users can start working in Cognos LifeCycle Manager, you must start the Cognos
LifeCycle Manager web application.
Start the Cognos LifeCycle Manager server:
On a Microsoft Windows system, from the Start menu, click LCM Start.
You can also type the following command in a command prompt window, from the Cognos
LifeCycle Manager install location. Depending on where Cognos LifeCycle Manager is
installed, you might have to run the command prompt window as an administrator.
On a Linux system, run the server start script
Start the Cognos LifeCycle Manager web application:
On a Microsoft Windows system, from the Start menu, click LCM URI.
Type the following URL in your browser:

Question # 4

The folder “AP” has reports that can retain output for 12 months. The administrator needs
to remove report output that is at least 30 days old from the Content Store, and archive it to
an external repository while keeping up to 12 months of run history.
How can this be accomplished without losing any output or run history?


Create and run a Content Removal task and set the options of Run history to 12 Months
and Output versions to 30 days. Create a Content Archival task for the folder “AP”.


Create and run a Retention Rule task and set the options of Run history to 12 Months
and Output versions to 30 days. Create and run a Content Archival task for the folder “AP”.


Create and run a Content Archival task for the folder “AP”. Create and run a Content
Removal task and set the options of Run history to 12 Months and Output versions to 30


Create and run a Retention Rule task and set the options of Run history to 12 Months
and Output versions to 30 days. Create and run a Content Archival task for the folder “AP”
and choose the Archival settings of Copy then remove.


Create and run a Content Archival task for the folder “AP”. Create and run a Content
Removal task and set the options of Run history to 12 Months and Output versions to 30

Administrators use the retention rule update task to specify the number of reports, queries,
analyses, and document objects to keep in the content store. You can specify how long to
keep the history and output versions in the content store. Anything that is older than the
date you specify is deleted from the content store.
Run this task only after creating and running the content archival task. If you run it before,
content that was not marked for archival is permanently deleted from the content store.

Question # 5

An environment has two dispatchers with report servers installed on two machines with
following configuration:
Dispatcher 1 on Computer A
Dispatcher 2 on Computer B
What should the setting of processing capacity for Dispatcher 2 be set to, if the capacity for
Dispatcher 1 is set to 1?











If your installation includes more than one dispatcher, you can specify the proportion of
requests that each dispatcher handles by changing their processing capacity.
This is commonly referred to as load balancing. You typically set the capacity for a
dispatcher based on the CPU speed of the computer where it is installed.
For example, a first dispatcher is installed on a 2 GHz computer and a second dispatcher
on a 1 GHz computer. You set the processing capacity of the first dispatcher to 2.0 and the
second to 1.0. The first dispatcher handles two-thirds of the requests while the second
handles one-third of the requests. If you set the capacity of both dispatchers to 1.0,
requests are sent to each dispatcher alternately.
The default processing capacity for each dispatcher is 1.0.

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IBM Cognos Analytics Administrator V1 Exam Dumps

Exam Code: C2090-623
Exam Name: IBM Cognos Analytics Administrator V1

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