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Google Apigee-API-Engineer Test Dumps

Total Questions Answers: 126
Last Updated: 17-Feb-2025
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Question # 1

You have created an OpenAPl specification and begun a sample implementation of the API Proxy in Apigee Edge Another team is asking for early access for interactive documentation What should you do1?


Publish using SwaggerUI


Generate web documents using SmartDocs


Send the requesting team the OpenAPl spec.


Create a sample web app that uses your API, and publish the source code.


Create a sample web app that uses your API, and publish the source code.

Question # 2

Where in the proxy should you place a policy that modifies the flow variable target, url?


proxy request flow


proxy response flow


target request flow


target response flow


any flow


target response flow

Question # 3

Which JavaScript statement can be used to raise a fault from a JavaScript policy named "Weather"?




return false


contextsetVariablefWeather.Fauir, "true*);


throw "Bad Data",


contextsetVariablefWeather.Fauir, "true*);

Question # 4

You are using the Apigee ExtractVariables policy JSONPath feature, and discover that the query is not returning the expected result for the payload you are providing What should you do?


Check that the Accept header is set to text/json


Check that the Accept header is set to application/json.


Check that the Content-Type header is set to text/json


Check that the Content-Type header is set to application/json


Check that the Accept header is set to application/json.

Question # 5

As an API Engineer you have been asked to automate the build process for Apigee deployments. You decide to build a new tool to deploy the API Bundles using the Apigee Management API. What would be the correct


You should deploy an Apigee microgateway


Management APIs need a separate API product for security reasons.


Each management API you plan to use should be turned into an Apigee Proxy.


Management APIs should be called directly from the tool to the Apigee gateway


Management APIs should be called directly from the tool to the Apigee gateway

Question # 6

You are implementing several flows in Apigee Edge and realize that there is common functionality used across many different APIs and flows You want to use Apigee Edge to minimize the number of releases What should you do?


Use a Shared Flow and a Flow Callout where needed.


Use Proxy Chaining and a Service Callout where needed


Use a template build process to compose flows from flow fragments.


Use a Shared Flow and Flow Hooks to enforce all APIs call the shared flow


Use a Shared Flow and a Flow Callout where needed.

Question # 7

Which is a benefit of using API keys to access API resources?


provides simple mechanism to authenticate developers


provides simple mechanism to identify developer apps


authenticates the developer


authenticates the client application


provides simple mechanism to authenticate developers

Question # 8

Which policy can be used to see if a SOAP request matches a provided WSDL?











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Google Cloud - Apigee Certified API Engineer Exam Dumps

Exam Code: Apigee-API-Engineer
Exam Name: Google Cloud - Apigee Certified API Engineer

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