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Question # 1

A user has launched an EC2 instance store backed instance in the US-East-1a zone. The
user created AMI #1 and copied it to the Europe region. After that, the user made a few
updates to the application running in the US-East-1a zone. The user makes an AMI#2 after
the changes. If the user launches a new instance in Europe from the AMI #1 copy, which of
the below mentioned statements is true?


The new instance will have the changes made after the AMI copy as AWS just copies the reference of the original AMI during the copying. Thus, the copied AMI will have all the updated data


The new instance will have the changes made after the AMI copy since AWS keeps updating the AMI


It is not possible to copy the instance store backed AMI from one region to another


The new instance in the EU region will not have the changes made after the AMI copy


The new instance in the EU region will not have the changes made after the AMI copy

Within EC2, when the user copies an AMI, the new AMI is fully independent of the source
AMI; there is no link to the original (source. AMI. The user can modify the source AMI
without affecting the new AMI and vice a versa. Therefore, in this case even if the source
AMI is modified, the copied AMI of the EU region will not have the changes. Thus, after
copy the user needs to copy the new source AMI to the destination region to get those

Question # 2

A user is trying to connect to a running EC2 instance using SSH. However, the user gets a
Host key not found error. Which of the below mentioned options is a possible reason for


The user has provided the wrong user name for the OS login


The instance CPU is heavily loaded


The security group is not configured properly


The access key to connect to the instance is wrong


The user has provided the wrong user name for the OS login

If the user is trying to connect to a Linux EC2 instance and receives the Host Key not found
error the probable reasons are:
The private key pair is not right
The user name to login is wrong

Question # 3

A user is trying to connect to a running EC2 instance using SSH. However, the user gets
an Unprotected
Private Key File error. Which of the below mentioned options can be a possible reason for


The private key file has the wrong file permission


The ppk file used for SSH is read only


The public key file has the wrong permission


The user has provided the wrong user name for the OS login


The private key file has the wrong file permission

While doing SSH to an EC2 instance, if you get an Unprotected Private Key File error it
means that the private key file's permissions on your computer are too open. Ideally the
private key should have the Unix permission of 0400. To fix that, run the command:
chmod 0400 /path/to/private.key

Question # 4

A user has launched 5 instances in EC2-CLASSIC and attached 5 elastic IPs to the five
different instances in the US East region. The user is creating a VPC in the same region.
The user wants to assign an elastic IP to the VPC instance. How can the user achieve this?


The user has to request AWS to increase the number of elastic IPs associated with the account


AWS allows 10 EC2 Classic IPs per region; so it will allow to allocate new Elastic IPs to the same region


The AWS will not allow to create a new elastic IP in VPC; it will throw an error


The user can allocate a new IP address in VPC as it has a different limit than EC2


The user can allocate a new IP address in VPC as it has a different limit than EC2

Section: (none)
A Virtual Private Cloud (VPC. is a virtual network dedicated to the user’s AWS account. A
user can create a subnet with VPC and launch instances inside that subnet. A user can
have 5 IP addresses per region with EC2 Classic. The user can have 5 separate IPs with
VPC in the same region as it has a separate limit than EC2 Classic.

Question # 5

A user has created a subnet in VPC and launched an EC2 instance within it. The user has
not selected the option to assign the IP address while launching the instance. The user has
3 elastic IPs and is trying to assign one of the Elastic IPs to the VPC instance from the
console. The console does not show any instance in the IP assignment screen. What is a
possible reason that the instance is unavailable in the assigned IP console?


The IP address may be attached to one of the instances


The IP address belongs to a different zone than the subnet zone


The user has not created an internet gateway


The IP addresses belong to EC2 Classic; so they cannot be assigned to VPC


The IP addresses belong to EC2 Classic; so they cannot be assigned to VPC

A Virtual Private Cloud (VPC. is a virtual network dedicated to the user’s AWS account. A
user can create a subnet with VPC and launch instances inside that subnet. When the user
is launching an instance he needs toselect an option which attaches a public IP to the
instance. If the user has not selected the option to attach the public IP then it will only have a private IP when launched. If the user wants to connect to an instance from the internet he
should create an elastic IP with VPC. If the elastic IP is a part of EC2 Classic it cannot be
assigned to a VPC instance.

Question # 6

A user is receiving a notification from the RDS DB whenever there is a change in the DB
security group. The user does not want to receive these notifications for only a month.
Thus, he does not want to delete the notification. How can the user configure this?


Change the Disable button for notification to “Yes” in the RDS console


Set the send mail flag to false in the DB event notification console


The only option is to delete the notification from the console


Change the Enable button for notification to “No” in the RDS console


Change the Enable button for notification to “No” in the RDS console

Amazon RDS uses the Amazon Simple Notification Service to provide a notification when
an Amazon RDS event occurs. Event notifications are sent to the addresses that the user
has provided while creating the subscription. The user can easily turn off the notification
without deleting a subscription by setting the Enabled radio button to No in the Amazon
RDS console or by setting the Enabled parameter to false using the CLI or Amazon RDS

Question # 7

A user has created a queue named “awsmodule” with SQS. One of the consumers of
queue is down for 3 days and then becomes available. Will that component receive
message from queue?


Yes, since SQS by default stores message for 4 days


No, since SQS by default stores message for 1 day only


No, since SQS sends message to consumers who are available that time


Yes, since SQS will not delete message until it is delivered to all consumers


Yes, since SQS by default stores message for 4 days

SQS allows the user to move data between distributed components of applications so they
can perform
different tasks without losing messages or requiring each component to be always
available. Queues retain messages for a set period of time. By default, a queue retains
messages for four days. However, the user can configure a queue to retain messages for
up to 14 days after the message has been sent.

Question # 8

A user has configured an HTTPS listener on an ELB. The user has not configured any
security policy which can help to negotiate SSL between the client and ELB. What will ELB
do in this scenario?


By default ELB will select the first version of the security policy


By default ELB will select the latest version of the policy


ELB creation will fail without a security policy


It is not required to have a security policy since SSL is already installed


By default ELB will select the latest version of the policy

Elastic Load Balancing uses a Secure Socket Layer (SSL. negotiation configuration which is known as a
Security Policy. It is used to negotiate the SSL connections between a client and the load balancer. If the user has created an HTTPS/SSL listener without associating any security policy, Elastic Load Balancing will, bydefault, associate the latest version of the ELBSecurityPolicy-YYYY-MM with the load balancer.

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AWS Certified SysOps Administrator - Associate Exam Exam Dumps

Exam Code: AWS-SysOps
Exam Name: AWS Certified SysOps Administrator - Associate Exam

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