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Blue Prism AD01 Test Dumps

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Last Updated: 24-Feb-2025
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Question # 1

Which of the following flows can you not create in Blue Prism? (select 2 responses)


Option A


Option B


Option C


Option D


Option A


Option B

Question # 2

When a process is running in Control Room which of the following functions within the
process can be accessed from Control Room to request the process to stop?













IsStopRequested() function is used for the immediate stop provided by the blueprism (mentioned in the foundation course)

Question # 3

A Blue Prism solution interfaces with an internet application called HappyWeb. There is a
test website available for development, and a training site available for user acceptance
testing, and there is the production she available for processing live cases in HappyWeb.
Which of the following is true?


All development and testing MUST be done using the production site. This is because
the test and training websites might not mirror production exactly.


A local text file should be used to easily configure the details of the HappyWeb website
to be used in each Blue Prism environment.


An Environment variable should be used to store the HappyWeb URL.


Three different versions of object that launches the HappyWeb website will need to be
created and maintained, one for each environment.


All development and testing MUST be done using the production site. This is because
the test and training websites might not mirror production exactly.

Question # 4

When entering an option within the Training Order system the relevant option number is
entered into the Option number field as below The Option number input field has been
spied in Blue Prism

Which Attribute can be un-ticked to ensure consistent visibility of the element to Blue


Window Text




Screen Visible


Class Name


Window Text

As the window text is not unique when the value is changed and bp is able
to spied at time a error would come. So there is no use of window text.

Question # 5

Consider the following flow in an object:

Which of the following statements are true?


There just needs to be a wait stage after the start stage to correct this action.


There should be a wait stage after every stage in this flow (i.e. after the navigate, read,
write stages.


If during testing in object studio this flow works, no additional wait stages should be
added as they will slow the interface down.


There should be an intelligent wait stage after the start stage and after any stage that
cause the application we are interfacing with to change


There should be an intelligent wait stage after the start stage and after any stage that
cause the application we are interfacing with to change

Intelligent wait stage should always be used after every stage and that
should be minute wait to overcome the lag when the application runs and on wait should
only be used when some of action interfacing the screens or any updating is going on as
per the best practices pdf

Question # 6

Study the following image showing pan: of the flow within a process: 

What problems do you see with the process flow? (select 2 responses)


There is a missing Recover stage on one of the routes through the flow.


There is a missing Resume stage on one of the routes through the flow.


The Retry Count is not being incremented for each retry.


If an exception is thrown in the Cancel Reservation page and is allowed to bubble up to
be caught by the Recover stage, the Create Reservation action won't be retried.


The Retry Count is not being incremented for each retry.


If an exception is thrown in the Cancel Reservation page and is allowed to bubble up to
be caught by the Recover stage, the Create Reservation action won't be retried.

Question # 7

Which of the following indicates a case has been worked successfully in a Work Queue? 


Option A


Option B


Option C


Option D


Option A

Question # 8

If you change a session variable when will the new value be available to the process?




Next time a new case is taken from a WQ


Next time resource PC starts


Next time the process starts



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Blue Prism Accredited Developer Exam Exam Dumps

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