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Adobe AD0-E716 Test Dumps

Total Questions Answers: 69
Last Updated: 24-Feb-2025
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Question # 1

An Adobe Commerce Developer wishes to add an action to a pre-existing route, but does not wish to interfere with the functionality of the actions from the original route. What must the developer do to ensure that their action works without any side effects in the original module?
A. In the route declaration, use the before or after parameters to load their module in before or after the original module.
B. Inject the new action into the standard router constructor's $actionList parameter.
C. Add the action into to the Controllers/front_name/ in My_Module, Magento will automatically detect and use it.

  In the route declaration, use the before or after parameters to load their module in before or after the original module.

Question # 2

The developer is required to convert modules database scripts from old install/upgrade setup files to a data patches format and does not want to apply database changes that were already done by install/upgrade scripts.
The current module version is 1.5.4.
What would be the recommended solution to skip changes that were already applied via old format (install/upgrade scripts)?
A. Implement PatchVersionInterface and return 1.5.4 on the getVersion() method.
B. Inside apply() method, check for module version and run the code if version is less than 1.5.4.
C. This is not possible. A module cannot implement both data patch and install scripts.

   Implement PatchVersionInterface and return 1.5.4 on the getVersion() method.

Question # 3

An Adobe Commerce developer was asked to provide additional information on a quote. When getting several quotes, the extension attributes are returned, however, when getting a single quote, it fails to be returned. What is one reason the extension attributes are missing?
A. The developer neglected to add collection="true" to their attribute in etc/extension_attributes.xml file.<
attribute code="my_attributes" type="MyVendor\MyModule\Api\Data\MyAttributeInterface[]" collection="true">
B. The developer neglected to provide a plugin on Magento\Quote\Api\CartRepositoryInterface::get.
C. The developer neglected to implement an observer on the collection_load_after event.

  The developer neglected to provide a plugin on Magento\Quote\Api\CartRepositoryInterface::get.

Question # 4

For security reasons, merchant requested to a developer to change default admin url to a unique url for every branch/environment of their Adobe Commerce Cloud project. Which CLI command would the developer use update the admin url?
A. ece-tools variable:update ADMIN_URL
B. magento-cloud variable:set ADMIN_URL
C. bin/magento adminuri:set

  magento-cloud variable:set ADMIN_URL

Question # 5

An Adobe Commerce developer has added an iframe and included a JavaScript library from an external domain to the website. After that, they found the following error in the console:
Refused to frame [URL] because it violates the Content Security Policy directive.
In order to fix this error, what would be the correct policy ids to add to the csp_whitelist.xml file?
A. frame-src and script-src
B. default-src and object-src
C. frame-ancestors and connect-src

  frame-ancestors and connect-src

Question # 6

An Adobe Commerce developer has created a module that adds a product attribute to all product types via a Data Patch-According to best practices, how would the developer ensure this product attribute is removed in the event that the module is uninstalled at a later date?
A. Add an Uninstall.php file extending \l1agento\Framework\Setup\UninstallInterface tO the module's Setup directory and implement the uninstall method
B. Add instructions to the module's READM
C. md file instructing merchants and developers that they must manually remove this attribute if they want to uninstall the module
D. Make the Data Patch implement \Magento\Framework\setup\Patch\PatchRevertabieinterface and implement the revert method to remove the® product attribute.

  md file instructing merchants and developers that they must manually remove this attribute if they want to uninstall the module

Question # 7

What is the command used to upgrade ECE-Tools on an Adobe Commerce Cloud platform?
A. php ./vendor/bin/ece-tools upgrade
B. composer update magento/ece-tools --with-all-dependencies
C. magento-cloud ece-tools:upgrade

  composer update magento/ece-tools --with-all-dependencies

Question # 8

An Adobe Commerce Cloud developer wants to be sure that, even after transferring database from Production to Staging, the payment configurations are still valid on the Staging environment. What does the developer need to add to be sure that the configurations are always properly set?
A. Lines in the dedicated core_conf ig_data_stg table.
B. Project level environment variables.
C. Environment level environment variables.

  Environment level environment variables.

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Adobe Commerce Developer Expert Exam Dumps

Exam Code: AD0-E716
Exam Name: Adobe Commerce Developer Expert

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